Best indoor Motion Sensor?

Actually @Edwin_D is right:

  1. use a timer after motion stops, 3 min works fine for me.
  2. install the motion sensor at a good position where it is really able to detect every motion in the room.

A recommendation from my side is the HUE motion indoor sensor. With the newest HUE Zigbee app it works also as a occupancy sensor. But I think it is not useful for your requirement cause when you don’t move it will assume you left the room and will switch off the lights at once.

I like the HUE System feature of dimming lights in the end phase before it switchs off the lights. It’s like a warning which shouts MOVE or it will be dark in a minute :wink:

I will adopt this concept in my motion flows which trigger lights.

If you know any? Suggestions are welcome

Got some hue sensors, they work better than the aqara’s, even still, it doesn’t work for bigger rooms where you stay most of the time.

The task is simpel, walk in: lights on walk out: lights off.
Not with a timer, not with movement in between, not with warnings.

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And is your room to big for one sensor, install more.

You wish is clear, but I’m sorry to say, it is still a dream or business model :wink:

Well you could add WiFi access points to every room and base your lights on connected ap. For sure this works with unifi.

It is still based on motion, not gonna work.

Looked into that, but it is based on wifi. I want it to work for my wife and kids or grandma en grandpa.

Looked into bluetooth beacons but same story.

There are those usb powerd counters you install above the door, not going to happen estheticcaly.

So just a simple pressence sensor will do. I’ll wait patiently

I read somewhere that someone had mounted a sensor in the waterbox. On the rod of the float. Door open, light on. Door closed, lamp stays on. Flush toilet, sensor contact is broken, starts a timer. When the timer is over, turn off the lamp.
If necessary, also set a timer of 10 minutes or so after opening the door so that the lamp goes of afterwards. If the toilet is not flushed.

And what about all the other rooms?

This was an answer for use at the toilet.
Or put in every room a toilet. :grinning:

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I use a SonOff RF bridge that’s been flashed with Tasmota… I’ve also flashed it with the Portisch firmware to give it more options and flexibility.

I currently use flows to call up the MQTT client app to listen to , or send commands to the RF bridge. I will eventually probably use the Tasmota app once the developer has finished adding compatibility with it…

Same here. Hue sensor is way better then the aqara sensors

Those are great if you want to blow a lot of money unnecessarily…

Not sure if you read my post earlier on in this thread.

433Mhz motion sensors really are the best option in my opinion if you can get them to work with Homey. :smirk:

Far cheaper @ $5.30 AUD each …

Good range.

Little to no false triggers .

Very long battery life. Potentially 3 years between battery changes.

Physically smaller than WIfi based units , and some Zigbee…

Super reliable…

Did I mention $5.30AUD each. :yum:

You have to ask, what is better … I have them all over my property. Has cost me very little and they work a dream …

That shounds great, but you also mention “if you get them to work with homey”, this means there a slight challenge with that?

Could you provide a link to such a sensor? 5.30 sounds appealing.

flashing firmware and another extra bridge does not have my first choice… but a non responsive aqara motion sensor is also cumbersome

In an ideal world Homey could simply “learn” the codes from these very simple and very cheap 433mhz sensors without any fuss.

At this point in time though (unless Athom add RF learning) your best bet is to buy a Broadlink bridge. (No flashing required) …

Yes, it does suck but investing in 433mhz for your motion sensors is ultimately the best way to go. Even if you have to buy and add a Broadlink to your Homey you will save money overall . Also way less hassles with battery changes…

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Look up in this thread and find them…

Anyone any experience with a 230V powered ceiling motion sensor based on Zigbee or W-Wave?
This to avoid batteries and use existing ceiling motion sensor hole.

Appreciate your feedback or suggestions!

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Multisensor 6 from aeotec, works fine here. Zwave

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Thanks! And you’re using USB to power this?