[Beginner with flows] Using IKEA Styrbar remote to control IKEA lightbuld

Dear all.

New to Homey. Qite well versed in programming and not at all new to home automatisation. So I think I just need an example to figure out show to do this properly.

I want to use homey to duplicate to functions of a IKEA Styrbar remote. I have successfully connected the lightbulb and the Styrbar remote to homey, but now I want ot be able to dim up/down say 10%-units per click, change colors and perhaps more.

I have included a figure of how I tried to do this (sorry for displaying one command in Swedish, it says “Set a random color”. I have seen that I can share a flow here, but I have yet to figure out how to do this (very new to homey), so sorry for the figure.

Is this the way to do this (I am not happy with how this is working at all so likely there are much better ways to have this flow)? Should I use variables instead? There must be tons of examples of how to implement the IKEA Styrbar remote, does anyone have anything to share?

Also - is there a place where we can share flows, so one can download “pre-made” flows? This would likely cut down development time/learning time quite significantly…

Johan S

In what way are you not happy with how it works?

FWIW, Homey doesn’t support basic Zigbee features like grouping and binding, which means that everything has to be done in software (flows). And because Homey is event-based (think “button press”), you can’t typically start a dimming action with a button press and stop the action with a button release.

Screenshots is the only official way to share advanced flow.
For standard flow, check this
And there’s lots and lots more of kb articles in there:


Check this topic!

But I’m convinced you learn best/quickest by building the flows from scratch.

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