Aquara Smart Switch 7 sometimes red light after being activated from flow


I’m using 3 Aquara Smart Switch 7 EU in my home.

  • TV : TV and Soundbar
  • Game PC: Gaming PC with 2 monitors a few devices connected
  • Work PC: Laptop, Docking station and 2 monitors

They are controlled by a bedtime / good morning flow to switch them off when I go to bed or switch them on when I wake up and a second flow which switch them off when I leave my home and switch them on when I return home. Homey is running Aeotec App V3.14.3

I’m running into 2 problems for a while now:

  • Less urgent would be nice to have fixed: The switches no longer report the actual power usage while this makes reporting and analyses a little difficult I have come to live with the issue.
  • More urgent: The second issue is that 2 switches sometimes do not come back online (white light) when they are activated from the good morning or home flow. The switches are showing a fast red blinking signal on the switch and if I try to interact with the device in Homey if gives a connection error. The only way to resolve the issue is to remove the switch from Homey devices and reconnect the switch which obvious brakes a few flows for which I need to redo the card. There is one Smart Switch in my home (Work laptop) which does also not report the correct power usage but does not seem to have problems coming back online after having it set offline. The problem occurs random sometimes they work for weeks and all the sudden one of them may come back online.

All three Smart Switches using the same Firmware according to Homey device info:

  • Firmware Version 1
  • Firmware subversion 2
  • Firmware ID 943
  • Hardware version 175
  • Current Overload Protection 2415 (default max value)
  • Instant status Update: Binary Switch

Does any one know the cause of the power switches disconnecting?
The devices are directly linked to Homey without a hub is there any way to update the firmware?