Aqara Zigbee sensors

Pro 2019 + Aqara + Ikea Tradfri Lights = :no_entry:
Awara + Ikea plugs work fine.
When I replaced Tradfri lights with Lidl lights, all was fine again.

It’s sad to hear the new zigbee chip of Pro23 seems to have similar incompatibilities.
Be aware Aqara doesn’t follow the zigbee standards 100%.
It’s unfair to put the blaim Homey solely. It’s the combination which has flaws…

Interesting find: Aqara + Ikea Tradfri work just fine together on a zigbee2mqtt zigbee mesh…

Then you’ve read the zigbee info for the Pro 201x model!
Pro 2023 should be able to handle 200 - 250 zigbee devices.

Remove the Ikea lights from the zigbee mesh, and monitor it for several days.
Also the zigbee stack for the Pro23 is not 100% perfect yet.

Wrong. Zigbee 3.0 is a standard, but brands are not obliged to follow the standard.
The trick is to mix as little a possible brands/models, or ask / search for bad combinations.
Tuya is also an example of having their own deviations from the standard.

I use zigbee2mqtt*** and have very little issues. To me, wireless is never 100% rock solid. It also responds about a second faster, despite the zigbee signal also going to and from Homey via wifi.
***) not because of Homey zigbee. It worked fine, albeit a bit slow. I just like to experiment and play with new stuff.

Last but not least, zigbee can be interfered by wifi signals. Did you tune your wifi & zigbee channels? Any neighbors with strong wifi signals in your home?