[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

@Zjilber I have the same problem, described here - Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Zigbee App (v1.4.1) - #3720 by Franky29

The reason why your lamp turns off is that few minutes after turning on the switch, it changes to “turned off” in homey app even though you did not turn off the switch physically and it is still physically in “on” state. Homey reports it as being turned off - therefore your flow “when switch is turned off then…” is triggered.

For me it goes like this:

  1. i turn on the switch on (by physically pressing the button, by pressing its tile in homey app, or by doing so in flow)
  2. in homey app, the switch changes from “off status” to “on status”
  3. after few minutes, in homey app, the switch changes from “on status” to “off status” (which triggers your flow to turn off the lamp). However, the switch is physically still turned on, and the ceiling light that it is connected to, is still shining bright.

I have two batches of these switches installed (five bought a week ago and three bought few months ago from different distributor), and all 8 switches are doing it. On the other hand Tuya Zigbee switch does not have this behaviour - so i guess this is something that could be fixed in Aqara Zigbee App. @TedTolboom, could you, please take a look on this?

Thank you,