[APP] Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Simplify your life with a smarter home

I have problem with Aqara H1 EU double rocker with neutral (lumi.switch.n2aeu1)

When I turn them on, they also show as turned on in Homey app. However, after few minutes, they show as turned off in homey app, yet in reality they are still turned on. It does not matter if I turn them on by physically pressing the switch, or thru the app, they will always start showing as “off” after few minutes in app, despite being still turned on.

Report 1b2df9b0-519b-49b7-a058-0c6fd364b99e.

EDIT: I have created another report and noted exact times and Node IDs & addresses, for easier debuging. See post Aqara & Xiaomi Smart Home - Zigbee App (v1.4.1) - #3727 by Franky29

Thank you,