I have about 10 of the Aqara temperature and humidity sensors, I find that some of them just stop reporting info after a while. The battery section on the device says full, if I single press the button on the sensor it gives me a blue blink so it’s alive, I also have a lot of wired zigbee repeaters around the house so no drama there.
Is it a case of low battery and the battery section in the app is inaccurate and that what’s left is only enough to stay paired but not transmit.
There is no solution. Some people have moved to a better Zigbee implementation that doesn’t have these issues (zigbee2mqtt for instance), or have gotten rid of all their IKEA or Aqara devices.
It’s not trivial to switch over because zigbee2mqtt doesn’t run on Homey itself, so you need additional hardware to run it on (like a Raspberry Pi or a NAS), together with a Zigbee dongle (like a Sonoff), and you’ll need at least some Linux knowledge to get it up and running.
I was also having these issues together with some IKEA light bulbs (only RGB E27?).
With the ones that lost connection, I’ve made sure they were connected to another Zigbee Router, in my case an IKEA Repeater. You can check the route on the Developers page.
I changed the route by re-adding the sensor (without deleting it) near the Repeater.
It shows that It’s already connected, but it will change the route.
Since then I’ve had no problems anymore
I had issues with aqara temperature sensors stop reporting, the issue was the router which the sensor communicated through, specifically Namron LED strips I have. I removed the Namron and reconfigured the aqara, and now everything works as it should again.
ciao ragazzi, leggo di certe problematiche sui sensori, io ho riscontrato questo ptoblema su un sensore di rilevamento acqua di aqara apparentemente sembra tutto o k segnale radio buono livello batteria ok , ma di fatto il sensore in un test simulato non ha rilevato la presenza d’acqua e come se andasse in standby , questa cosa e’ una seccatura , ma con l’aggiornanento del hub aqara m1s gen 2 presumo a mattel questi problemi possono essere rideimensionati o ancor meglio superati ?
fatemi sapere vi ringrazio ciao marco