Apps can not be loaded

Hello I have problem with loading apps to HP2023. I have a new phone tried to connect it to my homey something went wrong and it resetted completely no backup so my rather unhappy. Reset homey to factory and all is ok but need to rebuild everything again. But now apps won’t load to homey I get a message this app is not suited for your homey. Who knows what to do?
Thanks for your help

It sounds like you inadvertently created a cloud Homey, which would explain why suddenly everything looks like it has been reset, and you can’t install apps that require a Homey Pro.

In the mobile app, press the icon on the top right of the Home screen, then “My Homeys”.

Hello Robert no result I see my own non clouded Homey there. But I found out that I can install devices and the homey is grabbing the app when installing. However installing from the market side will not work. Well does not mind this way is strange but I will manage. Thanks for the help. Now we start rebuilding the house again. Dragging crying but lessons learned make backups. Thanks

Should work, is your Homey correctly listed?

Else ou can try:
Open in a private browser tab
Try logging out of anything Homey related, clear cache and force
the app store page, and then login again to Homey and to