[APP][Pro] Virtual Radar App


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When I try to track an airplane registration (PH-XXX) I get an error (Timeout) Is this a known issue?

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Not known to me. Ill look into it. Thx for the feedback!

@ECort many thx for your kind donation!

New version coming up v3.2.0

  • Fix http(s) timeout.
  • Update capture logs.
  • Brand color added.
  • Readme.txt added.

@ECort here is how you can share your counting flows:

You can post the links here and add a description

Ha Robin,

I did my best to share my setup.

Personal note

My primary interest concerns the (crazy) number of flights over our area. Seems that ‘t Gooi’ alone ‘takes care’ of 60% off all Schiphol Noise (300-400 overflying flights/day) to average 500 flights/day Schiphol. Every runway use brings flights over ‘T Gooi’- there is no escape. Only certain weather confitions help to eleviate noise here. But noise is here every day and every hour. This not healty. The ‘climb’ adjustment to 10.000 ft (start 2019) als means ‘flights climb tot 30.000 ft as from ‘t gooi’ with a lot of noise (maybe some day I will built a calculation on ‘mean altitude for incoming and outgoing fligths’.
It seems to be working rather correctly and reliably. REMARK: we also have a lot off ‘local flights’ from local small Hilversum (general aviation) airport wich are not counted by the source and are missing in the numbers. So actual numbers are even higher.

The statistics on ‘Noise’ are new and needed some tweeking. It’s seems to be working correctly.

I think you built a very important and helpful app for a lot of cities in the Netherlands. Now people can build personal statistics without BAS wich give ‘general pictures’. With your app (and applied calculations) every city in the Nehterlands can calculate flghts, duration and ‘noise in general’. HOMEY could sell this as a product ‘HOMEY-Flight counter’ :blush: . But a website from Virtual Radar for all cities in the Netherlands I think would also serve a lot of people or environment organisations.


(Did not find easy way tot display full name of variables. So here difficult screenshots to solve that. All my variables are in Dutch.

Calculate nr passing Aircraft overhead per day

  • Each ‘entering airplane into airspace overhead’ is a +1
  • Cumulative counter starts at ‘0’each day and count at the end of the day is stored
  • Nightflights are determined separately from 23:00-07:00 hours (with overlap on ‘day total’).




<img width=“198” height=“33” style=“width:2.0625in;height:.3402in” id=“Afbeelding_x0020_6” src="//cdck-file-uploads-us1.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/flex015/uploads/athom/original/3X/5/b/5b23a6a50762a97d9a4153bf343bca7f030fe078.jpeg" alt="Afbeelding met tekst

Automatisch gegenereerde beschrijving">

Calculate nr passing Aircraft overhead actual (Creating noise)

  • Variable is shows if aircraft are actually passing overhead (Creating noise)

<img width=“200” height=“30” style=“width:2.0833in;height:.3125in” id=“Afbeelding_x0020_5” src="//cdck-file-uploads-us1.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/flex015/uploads/athom/original/3X/e/9/e9c1727bd2f11b544dc712fcd9d758e58fe8e765.jpeg" alt="Afbeelding met tekst

Automatisch gegenereerde beschrijving">

Calculate nr seconds Aircraft overhead per day (creating noise)

  • Use ‘HOMEY-Countdown app’ to count down from ‘total seconds per day during ‘passing Aircraft overhead’ (Creating noise).
  • Used ‘IOS-Explane app’ to determine DB’s. Average=50DB for Climbing & Ascending aircraft)

<img width=“198” height=“37” style=“width:2.0625in;height:.3819in” id=“Afbeelding_x0020_4” src="//cdck-file-uploads-us1.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/flex015/uploads/athom/original/3X/1/1/11fc8296210731dbb0ec1eec9ce0045ff6cfa5d0.jpeg" alt="Afbeelding met tekst

Automatisch gegenereerde beschrijving">


Calculate nr passing Aircraft overhead per day
https://homey.app/nl-nl/flow/m6Xt2K/ (Cumulative flights +1 continous (no-end))

https://homey.app/nl-nl/flow/Qlyw2K/ (Set Cumulative Day start at 00:00 from Cumulative count)

https://homey.app/nl-nl/flow/awLw2K/ (Set Cumulative Day end at 23:59 from Cumulative count)

https://homey.app/nl-nl/flow/3sSt2K/ (Set cum flights on 23:00 hrs for nightflights)

https://homey.app/nl-nl/flow/a0ku2K/ (Determine nightfligths at 07:00 (Start 23:00 previous day))

Calculate nr passing Aircraft overhead actual (Creating noise)

https://homey.app/nl-nl/flow/hNtu2K/ (+1, value >0 means ‘flights overhead’ (Creating nois))

https://homey.app/nl-nl/flow/Hrxu2K/ (-1)

https://homey.app/nl-nl/flow/nPBu2K/ (Signal YES-flights overhead (garden lights go on))

https://homey.app/nl-nl/flow/AXGu2K/ (Singla NO-flights overhead (garden lights go off)

Calculate nr seconds Aircraft overhead per day (creating noise)

https://homey.app/nl-nl/flow/5KQu2K/ (set countdown per day counter)

https://homey.app/nl-nl/flow/gPWu2K/ (start countdown when flights overhead)

https://homey.app/nl-nl/flow/LH0v2K/ (stop countdown when no flights overhead)

I hope it’s complete. It should help you understand my setup/logic.

Kind regards,

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Hi guys,

as a new Homey Pro 2023 user and aviation enthousiast I’m very curious to test this app… but unfortunately its not compatible (yet) . Anyone more info if there is a new update (to v3) planned in the near future ?

thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Pieter,

I wasnt even aware the app wasnt sdk3 yet. I will put it on my todo list. But I have some other Homey apps that need my attention too, so please be patient.

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Super, ik ben al blij dat het op je to-do lijst staat :smiley:

I will be very patient , and looking forward to try this app :slight_smile:

Still waiting very patiently :wink:

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Would be nice if there comes a update

thanks to permission of @Gruijter, I took over his great app I have made rewrite to SDK3 (attempt).

Version 3.2.1 — SDK3 rewrite, some additional minor modification

Please note, I’m just enthusiastic amateur developer, so expect crashes and not working stuff.

I was able to test so far OpenSky only, the rest is un-tested, as I don’t have ADSB API key and donations based on my experience are very often 0 USD, I currently do not plant to invest into it, for sure not on monthly basis. Same for ADSB tracker, anyway - any error, feel free to send DIAG report with description in English, when the error occurs and I will see if anything can be done. No ETA though.

@Bjorn_Schalks @PieterDCK FYI


cool , looking forward for some development ! (unfortunately I know nothing about programming … ) Looks like the opensky has severe limitations in getting data, but i’m planning to get my own adsb receiver. No info if it will be possible to share login data from a better server…
Anyway, keep up the nice work, much appreciated.

It does, I plan to implement login - anonymous users are restricted even just on number of API calls and it’s not even usable for standard usage. While just upon registration you get more.

Seems ADBS Exchange do not offer free API, only 10USD/monthly subscription so I’m testing now :

  • OpenSky
  • FlightRada24 (no API yet but feeding data there)
  • FlightAware

Naturally in connection to feeder so for no feeder users, most probably only OpenSky is way to go.
But it will take time and also no commitment.

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Version 3.2.2 — Added username/password + API counter for the OpenSky provider

Go to https://opensky-network.org/ and create account. After activating your account, set it using settings for your OpenSky radar/tracker device.

Limitations for anonymous (unauthenticated) users
Anonymous users can only retrieve data with a time resolution of 10 seconds. That means, the API will return state vectors for time
Anonymous users get 400 API credits per day (see credit usage below).

Limitations for registered (authenticated) users
OpenSky users get 4000 API credits per day. For higher request loads please contact OpenSky.

Limitations for registered (authenticated) users + active feeders
Active contributing OpenSky users get a total of 8000 API credits per day. An active user is a user which has an ADS-B receiver that is at least 30% online (measured over the current month).

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Well done @Sharkys !
Thx for giving this app a new life❤️

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New version is out…

Version 3.2.5 - New option OpenSky - use your own feeder for basic data by default (user registration required, no API credits being used)

Version 3.2.6 - New option OpenSky - fallback to own feeder data in case of API credit, added capability “Aircraft in range” for device Status indicator


note - not all the values are provided by the OpenSky
note2 - 4000 API credits with 20 sec update/20km range is sufficient for about 12 hours (at this moment), 20 sec / 5 km range for 22 hours

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Version 3.2.7 — OpenSky modifications to better handle failovers to own data in case of insufficient API credits and failover back after cooldown period

It’s little bit tricky, as I got after few days already 8000 credits from OpenSKY daily, so can’t really test the failovers.

Also ADBS Exchange code is untested and I’m missing any feedback nor debug logs - as they do not provide free API access even to feeders anymore (confirmed), I will be not investing my time into it.

As for others providers, not sure it’s worth it, as OpenSky so far works for me just fine, the detection is reliable. So far not focusing on it.

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I have an API from RapidAPI, see image, but after submitting this key in the app, I still receive this message from Homey: You need a key. Get a feeder or use pay API. ADSBexchange.com