[APP] Tuya - Connect any Tuya device with Homey (by Tuya Inc. / Athom)

That’s the thing: these devices aren’t connected to Homey, at least not directly. They are connected to Tuya’s cloud servers, and Homey connects to those same servers. Which means that Homey users will take up resources that might otherwise have been a lot less.

Probably at fault of naming a gateway a hub. I have one. Tuya app might be the reason to buy more tuya devices to work together with this software. The app has limited logic with timers and triggers. Might be called a competitor for Homey.

I am very aware of WiFi is not a Zigbee
I am talking about Zigbee. I know there is already discussion about re-implemenntation of current stack using Z2MQTT. That is why I decided to ask. It could solve many issues and “cryings” like mine one :slight_smile:

This thread is about WiFi devices, though.

Will never happen. Not only does z2m not work with the Zigbee/Thread firmware that Homey uses, it also works completely differently from how Homey works internally, and my impression of Athom is that they tend to suffer from NIH syndrome.


Yep, just what I thought
And again - sorry for off topic.
Very very sad, I really tried to struggle with it but tired up writing own drivers for each Zigbee device that is not supported. Maybe I will overcome my syndrome too and just switch back to HA completely.
Sorry again

Please discuss in the “[APP] Tuya Zigbee” topic