[APP][PRO] Zigbee2MQTT

v2.0.4 is ready as test version: Zigbee2MQTT | Homey

  • Fixed fault and vibration trigger cards.

Thanks @Gruijter for your continuing efforts!

One question / suggestion: would it be feasable to use multiple tiles for multiple-gang switches and dimmers (2 tiles for a 2-gang, 3 tiles for a 3G, etc)?
Kinda split up the one physical device into multiple functional devices.

It would be more convenient when using the mobile GUI when each functional device (like ‘porch light’ and ‘hallway light’) were separately operable.

No, that would mean the device handling would have to be setup completely different from what I do now. But you could probably use the GROUP app or Enhanced Capabilities app to create extra virtual devices for your needs.

I have not implemented the app fully yet. Yesterday i noticed there was a “!” on the bridge icon. And the info says the bridge is offline. I re installed the bridge and it worked fine. Until for a few hours ago. I noticed the same thing. “!” on the icon. Comments?

You are using an old version of Z2M. Upgrade it (I have 1.32.2).
And is your mqtt broker on a fixed ip? Or do you use a url?
Do you maybe have network/wifi issues?

Re-Installed App, Deleted and re-added Bridge. Same version. 1.29.1.

The broker is on URL.

I meant upgrading Zigbee2MQTT itself, not the Homey app .

If using url, is it stable? Or are you using dynamic IP? A fixed IP is always better.

@Jegern I assume you were able to test the action re-triggers I implemented. Does it work good for your use case?

Yes, I can confirm it works now. I am leaning towards using Node-red instead, though. Not your fault, of course, but the software dev in me can’t stand all the repetition in Homey flows. I want to set up a flow and re-use it in multiple rooms, but this seems to be difficult in Homey without resorting to scripting.

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Hello and thank you for a great app,

Is it possible to make Ikea’s motion sensor report that a zone is active in Homey? It would be helpful when controlling lights in the zones.

Thank you again for developing this app.


See here: [APP][PRO] Zigbee2MQTT - #101 by Gruijter

Please report it to Athom. I already asked them to support it, but I suspect they are working on other stuff :wink:

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Thanks, that proved to be an excellent suggestion!


I’m new to zigbee2mqtt and just started with the first few devices. 4 hallway lamps grouped in 1 group in zigbee2mqtt. But when I try to add new devices in homey it will only show de lights and not the zigbee2mqtt group. Would it be possible to expose group sto homey? Would be great because homey doesn’t support groups by default. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

No, but see solution here [APP][PRO] Zigbee2MQTT - #105 by Gruijter

I’ve just bought Homey Pro 2023. Normally a Home Assistant user.

I’m using this Broker: https://homey.app/da-dk/app/nl.scanno.mqttbroker/MQTT-Broker/

The broker is using my local homey ip, but zigbee2mqtt can’t connect to it.
I’ve trit to connect to my z2m broker from HA and that works fine, but i want to use the broker on homey.

Any ideas?

Default port for the MQTT Broker app is 1883, not 1885.

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Yes and? It’s not about the port… I’ve also tried 1883… The range is huge.
But it still does not work.

Yes and you’re asking for ideas, and I’m giving you one because of what I’m seeing in the screenshot you posted. Saying that “it still does not work” is useless information if you want people to help you out.

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Okay, but the broker works just fine and all the information is correct. Maybe it’s just the zigbee2MQTT that can’t connect to the broker made by the other app… Just a guess.
Or do you have connection from Z2M to the local broker on homey Pro?

No, I don’t trust Homey to run something that should be available 24/7 so I’m running my MQTT broker (Mosquitto) on my Unraid server.