[APP][PRO] Yamaha AV & MusicCast Receiver

I don’t use zones, so I can’t answer your question. Perhaps someone else can do.

But do you really have different zones for every receiver?
Perhaps you have now one main receiver and the others are linked as client and are using the zones from the main receiver now.

Ha, Yes, up until last week 3 receivers each with its Zone 2 correctly associated with it. Since then something’s changed and the Zone 2’s have been reassigned to a deferent main receiver and will do so automatically. I just uninstalled/reinstalled the app and after adding “Muscicast Receiver Zone” for the the specific main receiver it might reassign it to another main receiver. When I just install one Main Receiver and its zone, it does work. Adding a second main receiver automatically changes the association of the original zone 2 added if that makes sense.

What exactly do you mean?
The Homey app only knows your receiver. When adding a zone for a selected receiver, the zones are used that your receiver presents via API.
So if both receivers are using the same “zone2” in (original) Yamaha app, the Homey app associates the (same) zone2 to both receivers. And when using one zone, the other is playing, too.

That’s why I think it could be related to the zone assignments in your receivers. Can you check this in the Yamaha MusicCast app?

But maybe I misunderstood you. In that case, please comment in bullet points how you added the receivers and zones to Homes. Thanks.

we might be on the same page for the issue but below is my setup
(Main Receiver )Master Bathroom - (Zone 2) kids Bathroom
(Main Receiver )Living Room - (Zone 2) Kitchen
(Main Receiver )Pool - (Zone 2) Workshop
(Main Receiver )Backyard- (Zone 2) Patio

In the MusicCast app all Zone 2 are associated with the correct main receiver and work correctly.

My Process:
-In Homey I add each MusicCast Receiver
-I then add an additional zone and select the master Receiver
Zone 2.
-Homey searches for the corresponding Zone 2 which I then select

What is driving me crazy is the Original 3 main receiver’s and corresponding zones were working correctly last week. I have been trying to add all receivers and zone in all different orders and unfortunately can not come up with a consistent pattern. The best I can get now is when I add all main receivers before any zones and then start adding zones, I can get 2 Receiver/zones to work correctly. After this, one of the Zone 2’s becomes dominant and replaces the pairing of all other Zone 2’s ie. Kitchen Zone becomes the same for Patio and Workshop and Kitchen. The Zone name does not change.

One other new observation is after my dozens and dozens of installs/uninstalls and adding receivers is the homey app cannot find the receivers and asks me to manually type in the ip address and then it can find them… Even though the MusicCast app is displaying all the receiver correctly could there be something external changing the zone association? I do have static IP Addresses for everything.

Thank you for your efforts…I was hoping it was a much simpler fix as I was doing something wrong. If anything comes to mind it would be appreciated if not no worries!

Many thanks for your tests and patience :slight_smile:

Based on your description I found an error while rerading the “parent” recever of a zone device. This results in using the last added receiver device. This should be fixed with the new test version.
If you have some time, just install the test version (just over-install without any change like removing the current app or removing any device).
Then all your zones should get the correct receiver to control the zone. :crossed_fingers:

Test version 1.0.5:

  • Fix fo reading the correct “parent” receiver for a zone device.

Thank you for digging into this…I was about to report a 4 /4 as I added each Zone 2 I tested it before adding the next one. I was able to add all 4 Zone 2’s working correctly with their corresponding receiver. 20 minutes later just before I was about to send you an email I tested it again and all of the Zone 2’s are the same as the last zone 2 to be added. Something automatically changed everything. I use the MusicCast app to verify when the correct zone is powering on from Homey. I uninstalled and did a fresh install of the beta.

Did you already install the test version 1.0.5 linked above?

Yes, I installed 1.0.5 i haven’t had too much time to experiment but I have successfully gotten 3 zone 2’s to add correctly. I realized that every time I add the 4th Zone 2, this becomes the Zone 2 for everything else. I then found that even if I add the 4th main receiver and not the 4ths Zone 2, the 4th Zone 2 still becomes dominate for the other 3 zones. As of now if I add 3 main receivers and there corresponding zones all is good! I hope my observations are not too confusing.

I found another code line where the check for zones parent device was wrong. I hope now all is fixed and running for you :slight_smile:

New test version 1.0.6:

Awesome, Nice job! Thank you for taking the time to look into this. I look forward to seeing what unnecessary and crazy flows I can create !

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I would like to add the alarm clock settngs (asked for by @DoctorBazinga).
But my receiver does not support this feature. So I’m a bit lost testing the possible API calls.

Is there anyone who can help with

  • test API calls with a REST client (Firefox addon)?
  • install and test beta versions (from Github or app store)?

If you want to help and if you have fun testing some technical details and if it’s ok to start some lobger discussions (forum PM or via Slack), please send me a message :slightly_smiling_face:

If you explain (to me) in every detail how to do it I could test it on my smaller
Never ever done any api calls etc.


Black Iphonitis rigorosa : level 15+

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New test version 1.1.0:

  • Update for MusicCast devices:
    Live update added. The Homey device is updated immediately when values in the MusicCast device change, e.g. by using the remote control.
    The receiver pushes updates instantly to Homey. This way the Homey device is up to date even if your are using the remote control.
    You can increase the update interval to 10 minutes if you want. The live update times out after 10 minutes. The interval or any action from Homey will restart the live update again for further 10 minutes.

Update: test version 1.1.1:

  • Fix for app crashes caused by invalid live update message content.
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Hi all

First of all, brilliant work for this app. The very existance was one of the reasons i actually purchased homey, as i have a total of 2 soundbars, 4 musiccast 20 devices, 4 wx-10 0 devices and a wxad device. Which i all use in different ways and want to use ‘smart’

As i am very new to homey, so my question might be a bit off but is there a way to play sounds to your musiccast device? And if so how?

I try to play a doorbell sound on a wx-021 speaker.

I did manage to play a doorbell song via Spotify connect, but that is iffy.

Ideally i would like to play a sound via soundboard (that ive already uploaded to the soundboard via the speaker but i could get that to work as i cannot find a way to send that mp3 to the speaker.

Not sure if this is even possible?

I do not know any API endpints to cast content/URLs.
The API is used to control teh device like it’s mainly done with the remote control or the MusicCast app.
If you can define presets for network content in cour device, you can perhaps recall the preset.

Btw…ist casting a URL possible with MusicCast app?

Afaik only via local network. If homey could act as a dedicayed server it should be possible, however i highly doubt it can act like one, if you use a nas (which i don’t) i guess you could use that server function via your app?

I haven’t found anything for streaming an URL in the Yamaha API.
The way you linked is using a DLNA server, select a folder/device list and navigate through the list (just selecting IDs). At the end the receiver is playing a DLNA entry, not a file/URL.

If there are documented endpints for playing a URL, I will add it. But I haven’t found anything yet.

Hi there, as a newbie to Homey, sorry if my question has been answered, but I didn’t find it. Is there a way to change scenes with this app? I have predefined outputs, surround effects etc. differently for TV and projector. Thanks

Yes, I found a scene recall in the API. Using this command, you can recall a scene number.
I haven’t found a scene list in device features. So I could provide a flow card to select a scene number as first step.

@RonnyW that would be great. On the remote there are Scenes 1-8, also on receiver display you can see text Scene 1-8 and custom name below it. So probably there are no other names for each of scenes.