[APP][Pro] Xiaomi Mi Home App

Hi, has anyone sucessfully added the Dreame X40 vacuum yet? If so, how did you do it? :hugs:

Hi. One of my three vaacums will not start from Homey anymore. It still reads the status of the vaacum and everything, but when I try to start it I get this error message:

All three are Roborock vaacums that has been working for a good part of a year in the Homey so far.

Try resetting it and pairing it again.

Ouch. That only changed the error message Iā€™m afraid :confused:

Could you send me a diagnostic report from the app settings.

Definately. Thanks for the assistance so far.

Report no.:

Assuming the device that is giving issues has the ip it is caused by that device not exposing the device model. The Homey app therefor can not identify itā€™s functions causing all sorts of issues. Was the firmware of the device upgraded recently?

Unfortunately this is not something I can fix as itā€™s something with the device. Usually a reset of the device and starting from scratch fixes it but appareantly that doesnt work in your case either. Seems you are out of luck.

Hi again. Thanks! Thatā€™s the correct device.

At least I know that the fault is external, and that hugely helps my troubleshooting. I will try to reach out to the manufacturer and ask for guidance, and Iā€™ll try to reset the device again.

Thank you so much for your time! :slight_smile:

Iā€™m not sure that they will help you. The model identifier which for this device is currently retruning null is an internal parameter and the MIoT protocol used to create this Homey app is no officially supported way of integration. But you can always try of course, perhaps they can advice on this.

Sorry, I tried the ā€œReply by emailā€ function.
I tried to say thanks for the follow-up info, and I was wondering if this missing piece of information hypothetically could be entered manually through the app settings somehow, for special cases like this.

Please submit a feature request for this on Github. Itā€™s currently not possible and I would need to think about it.

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Hi all,

I have a little issue, which is not totally an homey issue, butā€¦ Iā€™m not sure where else to post it, so this is more likeā€¦ Hopefully somebody knows the solution!
In the screenshot, you see my aqara contact sensor on the xiaomi hub. Recently, I noticed homey sometimes gave a falls ā€œopenā€ status. Looking at the app, it says open, but looking at the log, it says it closed at 18:33. Is there any way to get the right status into homey (the one in the log)?
If not, any idea who to contact the issue in the hub?

I am planning to buy the latest Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier (series 4), but I am not sure if this is supported by the app.

Can someone confirm if these work?

  • Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Lite
  • Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4
  • Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Pro


@Satoer This is on the changelog page of the app.
I donā€™t use it myself.
There is also a newer version 3.2.23


Thanks @Mike1233 . Just ordered the 4 compact and a 4 pro. Did not see the 4 pro in the change log, hope it works :sweat_smile:

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Me to. :+1:t3:

Wellā€¦ I can confirm the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Pro works like a charm :+1:
I added it like a ā€œAdvanced Mi Air Purifierā€

Sadly, I cannot get the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Compact to work even though that is the one that supposed to work according to the release notes. Expected to be the ā€œBasic Mi Air Purifier(WiFi)ā€ And even though the connection tested okay, when I try to change something I receive errors like:

Then I tried to add it using all the other purifier devices, but they al seem to time out or error. @Phuturist, what device should I use when I want to use the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Compact?
It is this one:

Read the first post, all info is in there.

Ah discovered the list thanks. Apparently I should use the ā€œAdvancedā€ version for the xiaomi.airp.cpa4, but I already tried that one. Just tried it again. Filled in the right IP and Token, tested the connection with the button and tested ok.
After adding the purifier it show this screen in a couple of seconds:
ā€œDevice not reachableā€ even though it is perfectly controllable in the Xiaomi home app :thinking:

Please send me a diagnostic report from the app settings.