[APP][Pro] Xiaomi Mi Home App

It’s not… try and fail approach :wink:
The approach is described in the original app, that was not maintained for some time but it’s live again - [APP][Pro] Roborock Vacuum Cleaners (I keep using this one, is very reliable for me on S8)

@Phuturist , I got a Roborock S8 integrated in Homey using your app, it functions great, but i am woundering if it is possible to add a function to your app, that the the original Xiaomi Home app has. When i select a room to clean, it is possible to tap x1, x2 or x3 Cycles for the cleaning. Would it be possible to integrate the same in your app, in a flow card? Maybe the existing “Send vacuum cleaner to clean room (Room’s)” card?


If you can find the right command to send I’ll add it to the app somehow.


I have just testet v3.2.22 and the “new action card for the Roborock advanced driver that allows room cleaning including setting the number of repeats”, it functions perfectly for both single and multiple room cleaning, thank you very much @Phuturist :partying_face:


Hi @Phuturist ,
I’m using your app for my Roborock S8 for a while now, and I like it a lot! Skipped the other Roborock app meanwhile.

I have some Roborock-requests:

  • is it possible to download the vaccumed floormap to Homey and sent it with Telegram (for example). I would like to see what has been vaccumed, or, when it stopt, where my Roborock is. Last time it was stuck directly behind the frontdoor :see_no_evil:
  • is it possoble to get info about a full dustbin or empty watertank? I’m now trying based on time, but most of the time I’m way to early with the dustbin and to late with the watertank :rofl:
  • is there a way to get the area (m2) that has been vaccumed?

Hope you can find a way to add this to your app.

  1. The map: I highly doubt this is possible within the MIoT protocol but I’ll have a look.
  2. The dustbin and tank, I already looked into this a while back but didn’t find a way to retrieve this data. I’ll look again but don’t count on it. You can contribute here if you know how to sniff the traffic from the vacuum cleaner.
  3. I believe this is already available under the device settings and as token. Did you check there?

Not sure about watertank but there is workaround…

Maybe not perfect, but this is my workaround

Then I have condition, when cleaned m2 cumulative goes above 150m2, it sends my Roborock to the trash …or better to say close to the trash :wink:

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I double checked. The map, watertank and dustbin arent available under the MIoT specification. The cleaned area is available under the device settings and as device token.

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Found the area meanwhile, didn’t look further then the Roborock Variables, these are Xiaomi Variables :wink:
Will start working with the area, thnx!
About the map: In Home Assistent they have a camera entity from Roborock that shows the map…

Thnx! This will work better then my time-counter, when my Roborock is stuck the counter will go-on, then it has done 14000 seconds, for only 5m2 :wink: I will start with your workaround and see what numbers will work for me. Thnx!

As far as I’m aware this uses a cloud connection to Xiaomi cloud to retrieve the map. This Homey app is local traffic over MIoT specification only.

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I’ve been using this wonderful app now for a while (thanks a lot for all work with it) and it has been working perfectly with my ROIDMI EVA vacuum cleaner.

But now all of a sudden it stopped working giving me the following error: "Device is unreachable: Could not connect to device, handshake timeout!

I have double checked the settings. The IP address is correct. The token is correct. The vacuum cleaner works fine in the Xiaomi Home app on my iPhone.

Anything else I can do to solve this?

Refresh the token by resetting the device and pairing it again.

Thank you very much! It worked :slight_smile:

Another question if I may.

There is a couple of features I can’t use right now. I’m not sure if I have missed something, but I can’t find a way to make the vacuum cleaner clean specific areas. There is such a card but that card can’t be configured with which area to clean. I can’t find settings for cleaning twice either.

Please advice :pray:

Hi great people.
I have a Xiaomi S10+, and finally today I understood how to get the token and added it with Adv. Dreame Vac. in Xiaomi Homey app.
All works great - Thank you SO much!! - But what the heck is the Room ID’s?

I have tried SO many room id’s, but no luck…
All other flow cards work perfectly, but this little isue, for the most usefull flows - I can’t find.

Ohh I’d love if someone could help me how to find these?

You can submit a feature request on Github. If there is documentation about it I’ll see if it can be added.

The room ID’s can be found under the device settings in Homey.

Thanks a lot for your reply…
Am I looking in the wrong place?

No. In this screenshot you see a setting called room cleaning segments that has the id’s

I thoughts so too - But they do not do start anything. And I have 6 rooms in the map editor
Have tried all indivdually, and as written.

And the room names… And a lot of other thoughts…

@DeBossDK , Have you tried to re-include the vacuumer? Seems like your cleaning areas are out of sync.

Thanks… Good idea…
I just did that, but it came back with same values…

(I don’t expect I need to restart Homey or others to do this?)