[APP][Pro] Xiaomi Mi Home App

Send a diagnostic report and I’ll look at it. Never seen this error before though.

Thanks. Diag code is in github.

The log suggests you paired this device multiple times including one with the wrong driver (humidifier_zhimi_humidifier_miot) and that this is generating errors. Make sure you remove all device instances in homey, reboot Homey just to make sure and pair it with the correct driver (humidifier_zhimi_humidifier). See the supported models in the first post for the drivers friendly name which you see when pairing the device.

Thanks, I’ll try that and report back. I had some handshake issues so I tried pairing multiple times. Handshake issue was resolved by moving the device from my IoT-vlan to main lan where Homey resides.

The pairing worked, I can control the device and see the values, except for the Power button, it gives me “this.miio.setPower is not a function”.

I’ll see if I can change something with the next release that might fix that.

Thank you very much.

Thank you for the donation, much appreciated!

Hello. What just happened here today. All my devices in the app are not working. What can I do here?

Probably you didn’t assign static IP address and they have shifted in the dhcp server.

Yes, I have given them a static IP, so I don’t understand why they can’t be found in Homey anymore.

But should they be deleted again and added again?

If rebooting Homey does not help and you are sure they have static IP address that’s probably the best solution.

it is, somehow, possible to get token from Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra, connected to original Roborock app?
I did wifi reset, added to mi home app, but then i have no created maps and so on, anyway i got token from Mi home App, then i connected robot back to wifi with Roborock App, but token from Mi home seemt to not work, probably it is generating new token for new connection.
So…need to get token from roborock app…
Thank you, Vitek


Hi, i have a question. How can i find the Smartmi Smart Convector Heater 1S . It’s not in the device list.

I can’t add xiaomi gateway to xiaomi app in Homey PRO. When I give all the data, it does not save and the test does not run.
Pleas for help.

Read the first post of this topic about supported devices.

Are you adding it as WiFi device to control the light or as a hub for controlling Zigbee subdevices? And what is the model identifier. You are probably trying to add an unsupported gateway. Read the first post of this topic about supported devices.

Okay, now I’ve tried resetting the devices, creating them again in the MiHome app, fetching new tokens, and trying to add them again in the Homey Pro 23. But when I press the test connection, it says: Could not connect to device, handshake timeout. Do you have any idea what is wrong?

Either the token is incorrect or Homey can’t reach the IP address. Sounds like something in your network.

Hi, i want controlling Zigbee subdevices and Xiaomi router. I try it add two models Xiaomi smart home hub and Xiaomi smart home hub 2.