[APP][Pro] Xiaomi Mi Home App

Hi, thanks for great work, I can see in changelog, that cleargrass air mon was fixed in last update, but it didnt help me at all, it still doesn’t show any readings, I tried re-adding my air mon, tested connection and it said ok.

Restart the app, wait 5 minutes and send me a diagnostic report.

Done, f3b4daf0-f780-431a-a70e-1056104e8057

Nothing useful in there. I wont be able to solve this issue without having the device to test with.

I’m gonna change something with the next release but it’s a bit of a wild guess.

Thanks for looking, mb problem is with my network, I will test it out with another wifi router that has default settings, but if problem is there, then why would it pass the connection test, still a challenge.

There is nothing wrong with your network or the connection (hence the successful test). But the documentation I found online on this device seems to be incorrect. Without proper documentation or the actual device I’m not able to fix the code.

Hello there, I’ve noticed that when I run Get MI Home device token app, to get my Cleargrass token, it displays totally different MAC address of my device, different from the actual one, I logged in to my router and it showed me another MAC, the correct one, maybe that is the problem?

Nope, that’s unrelated.

Ok, today I received 2 more ClearGrass Air monitors and same problem with those too, why would you guys keep it as supported hardware then? If its not supported anymore.
And it looks like there is no way to use it with an MQTT protocol either, because Homey has no normal APP for that, while it works flawless with Home Assistant. I was able to set it up to send MQTT signals, you can read about it in topic below:

Not sure who “you guys” is? I’m just a lone community developer. I’ll remove the device from the supported list if the next release doenst fix the current issue. As mentioned before the change is a wild guess though but who knows.

Well, that would be fair, I’m mad because Homey can’t create decent MQTT app! If they want to be better then Home Assistant, they should make one, since a lot of devices using this protocol these days.

Sorry, mqtt works fine, use the mqtt client app and a broker elsewhere and it will work fine, very fine indeed, us it for some devices.

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You are probably being off topic. I would recommend you to open new thread in Q&A and actually describe, what exactly is your problem. Then maybe someone could help you and provide some advice.

MQTT works fine, yes, but not MQTT HUB App, if you read Mqtt
You will understand what I mean
I already described my problem there, looks like the MQTT HUB app just can’t read values of my sensor, because all MQTT Explorers I tried, could read those.


I’ve been trying to figure out my room ID’s for my vacuums - I have 2 Dreame Bot Z10 Pro’s that are in a particular floor of my house with specific dedicated rooms. I was able to connect them to Homey, and the regular functions seem to work EXCEPT for “Send Vacuum Cleaner To Clean …” I don’t get any error when running it. but the vacuums don’t seem to respond to this at all.
I looked online about room ID’s and people said normally it starts at 16 so I gave it a shot. I even tried numbers all the way to 100 manually, but still no response.

My Xiaomi Home app works perfectly, there I can tell my vacuums to go to a specific room etc, so it seems like the 2 likely issues is that I am using the wrong ID numbers or that the Dreame Bot Z10Pro isn’t compatible with this function in Homey yet.

Is there any way I can get help for this?

Thanks, now I ave everything working!

As already replied in your diagnostic report since days ago. I’ll change something with the next release but it’s unsure that will fix it. Proper documentation is lacking.

I have the Xiaomi E12 (xiaomi.vacuum.b112gl). It should have similar functions as the Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop. Is there a way we can co-develop on this application to maybe try to support this one? :slight_smile:

Have you tried pairing it with any of the existing drivers already? If it’s similar to existing models it might work already.

If not, submit a feature request on Github.

Yes tried! Where can I find the git?