[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private

Thank you very much for your contributions! I’ll try a mobile phone number for the Whatsapp account first. I’ll share the result here.
Best regards, Hagen

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@Hagen I don’t think the mobile phone would make a difference. As the image is showing up in your whatsapp right? So sounds more like a wrong rendering of the widget, but that’s just a guess

As soon as I find an old sim card, I’ll try it out and let you know the result.

@Hagen Sure! It won’t fix the widget though

Hello, is it possible to send a message to myself in Whatsapp in order to launch a flow in Homey ?

Thanks for help.

@Vincent_T no not possible
See FAQ Q1 [APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private - #4 by martijnpoppen

So getting a separate number for homey would be the way to go

Hi Martijn,
It seems that when the pairing code needs to be refreshed, the app needs to be restarted before it works properly again. Pairing itself works fine (visible in Whatsapp), but sending messages (I don’t have any receiving flows in Homey) is successful according to the flow but nothing is sent. After restarting the app it works properly again.

Ps. Sorry for the first version in Dutch

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@Roy_Melzer Please translate your post. This is a english topic

@martijnpoppen, i have the same problem like @Roy_Melzer
When I need a new code, I lost all my connection and see now message anymore. I had to delete Whatsapp in my Home Pro 2023 and install whatsapp again and it is working. But all my flows, with whatsapp, I have to make them new again :frowning:

@EdNL I don’t get what you mean with “I need a new code”. can you elaborate?

and for fixing your flows you can use this: [HOW-TO][Pro][Cloud] - Tool to FIX (advanced) flows after removing and re-adding devices

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Sorry, I mean pairing code from Whatsapp Homey to my Whatsapp app.

I understand that it is the pairing code. But a bit more clarification on the situation would help so I understand what you’re talking about

Last week I suddenly only got the following message in my WhatsApp number: Waiting for this message. This may take a while. More information

I then looked at what I could do but nothing worked. Then I thought, I’ll request a new pairing code for WhatsApp. This code, which you then have to enter in your WhatsApp app, did not work and I then removed the entire WhatsApp app from Homey, because I did not want to delete my WhatsApp app.

So I deleted the WhatsApp app from Homey, then restarted Homey, reinstalled the WhatsApp app and then I had to enter a new pairing code again. I did that then and luckily, it worked again. But yes, then I of course lost all the connections I had created to receive messages in my WhatsApp app. Fortunately, I don’t have that many now, but it was difficult. That’s why I actually responded, because I think I had the same thing as Roy. I no longer received receiving flows and had to link a new pairing code.

@EdNL yes that’s correct, that can happen. and when it happens you’ll get a timeline notification saying that your have to repair the device and it works again after that.

So everything is already in place for that

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Lately I keep getting messages from what’s app notifying me that synchronisation with chrome/linux has completed. When I look in my inbox I see an old message generated by the Homey app on top of the queue so this must be generated by the Homey app? Not sure why this happens. I’m on latest iOS and Homey software.

@Marcus_Bitterling the connectionfrom Homey to whatsapp mimics a whatsapp web integration. In this particular case a chrome/linux.

Whenever you open whatsapp web (normally) your iphone will tell you it’s syncing with whatsapp web,

This is normal behaviour of whatsapp and can’t be changed

Thanks. Lately it seems to happen more often but could be a coincidence.

@Marcus_Bitterling yes I see it daily, I use whatsapp on my mac and as soon as I open my whatsapp on my iphone i see the sync notification. That’s just how whatsapp works…

I understand but can you also explain why an old message sent last week by homey, suddenly appears on top of my what’s app messages? It’s like you just received a message but it’s an old one.

@Marcus_Bitterling no idea. Can’t tell you how whatsapp does this syncing.