[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private

@martijnpoppen translated the orginal post :smiley:

@Roy_Melzer did you already try to repair the whatsapp device in homey when a new pairing code is needed?

@martijnpoppen yes I did try to repair the device (to enter a new pairing code) in Homey + Whatsapp this seems to be successful. As said, in flows they end gracefully but in the end no message is sent.
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Remove the Homey pairing from your Whatsapp-app
  2. Repair the device + re-registration on Whatsapp
  3. Run a flow to send a message (in my case a group-chat).

Please let me know if you also face the same issue here?

@Roy_Melzer if repair is succesful then that’s the fix right?
The app will let you know if it’s down there’s even a flowcard for it

Dear Martin, first thanks for developing this app !

To anyone kind enough to reply I apologize in advance for the supidity of my question, I looked everywhere before writing but am stuck…

so simply : after installing the app on Homey I can not find the way to display the QR code to link my account ? I restarted Homey just in case but I have this great app installed … and am not able to connect (sorry if I missed the obvious)

thanks a lot !!

@obov thanks
Just go to add device like you would do with a lightbulb:)