[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private

Can anyone tell me how/what the widget is for? What info can it display?

It can display a specific groupchat

See example:

So I use my WhatsApp as a timeline to send useful info to. So I can see it in my WhatsApp and also on my wall :slight_smile:

Okay, thanks, however when i enter the reguested code from the widget, in the groupchat i want to add in the widget, nothing happensā€¦ How do i get it to work?

@Nastybaloo and homey is in that groupchat as a admin?

Not Homeyā€¦ How di i do that? ( i am an admin in there)

@Nastybalood I really need more info on your setup before I can help you

Did you configure WhatsApp in homey? Or did you just install the app and tried the widget? Because the widget does need a WhatsApp device first

No, i did configure it, and it has a device in Homey. I can use that to send a message from the device to what to the group, that works fine. But i cannot get the widget to display anything yetā€¦

@Nastybaloo so is the number you configured in your homey part of the group which you want to display on the widget?

Yes, it isā€¦ But it was Fault 40ā€¦Sorry for that. Im th eidiot, i forgot to put the updated 4 digit code from the widget in the chat in Whatsappā€¦ Now it works, thanks. I will name my next 3 children after you

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Yes this is possible. Therefore you need to get the group answer code.
Use the if card ā€œNew Messageā€ and the Then card ā€œSend Messageā€ in the then card use the tag answer code.
Now send a message to the group of your liking where you homey account is part off. Then youā€™ll get something like this 1234567@g.us . This you can use to determine the group.


Nice! :laughing:


@martijnpoppen I have the following behaviour, is that expected? Or is the repair flowcard not working

1 app not updated yet, but my pairing code is expired (I left it that way to test the update)
2 updated the app to 1.28.0
3 waited
4 next day it showed an error in the timeline (good!)

I had also created the following flow:

This flow has not triggered yetā€¦
Is that correct behavior? (It only triggers at the moment the pairing code becomes expired, and mine was already?)

Can you also make a AND card with the check?
I would like to have the message at a specific time:

WHEN: 00:01
AND: a new pairingcode is needed
THEN: send a message

@FKey it gives this when you start the app. But probably it didnā€™t work on install as the card was not there yet

I will check the AND card if itā€™s possible

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When sending a message it has as input: ā€œMobile number / Group invite linkā€.
Why not extend the text with ā€œ/ Reply codeā€?
I discovered (after diving in to this forum, the source code and logging all parameters to a google sheet) that you can also use the Reply code / replyTo / remoteJid as recipient.
For me there was some guidance missing on what to do with the reply code.
Btw. Thanks for this great App!

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@bobvanoijen because the reply code only exists if you use the message received card

So when you are only using this app to send messages that might be really confusing

I tested it by restarting the app again, works fine I received the push triggered by the new card.


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For me it sounds logical that you only can have a reply code when your replying to an earlier message.
It just wasnā€™t clear to me how to use the reply code.
In particular, because it only said ā€œMobile number / Group invite linkā€.

@bobvanoijen I can add it to the hint. Or feel free to create a PR :smiley:

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It would be a great hint!
Creating a PR from my phone right now is a little hardā€¦
Thanks for you quick response.