[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private

Yes i tried a several times but reconnecting the app won’t work and gives the timeout.

@kooskortekaas strange can you send a diagnostic report

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Eventually I was able to solve it by manually removing the device and having to add it again and repairing the flows in question.

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@kooskortekaas glad that works
I will check why the repair process doesn’t work as it should


Same here. It says ‘New pairing code is needed’. But when I try to repair, it gives a timeout error.

@Houtwoud same solution applies then. Remove and re-add

Ik krijg in de groeps app een melding “one memeber use old whatsapp version” en dat is alleen in de groep waar homey ook in zit, hoe kan ik whats app op de homey updaten?

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@Apeldoorn_GvAC no you cant
But it works right?

Yes, that works. Drawback is that I need to rebuild my flows with all the whatsapp cards again. Any ideas how to fix that?

@Houtwoud You can repair them with: [HOW-TO][Pro][Cloud] - Tool to FIX (advanced) flows after removing and re-adding devices

Same here. It says ‘New pairing code is needed’. But when I try to repair, it gives a timeout error.
I also couldn’t repair the device.
While repairing the device, the app uses a huge amount of Homey memory (300MB - 600MB)

The workflow I used to repair the device is as follows:

  1. Disable all apps on your Homey, except Whatsapp app.
  2. Try to repair device.
  3. After it is successfully repaired, then enable all apps.

This worked for me.
Take advantage of this.

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@Bjorn_Schalks thanks for sharing
I will look into the repairing though

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.28.0):


1: NEW: add pairing code reminder flowcard
2: NEW: add timeline notification when repair is needed

1: FIX: repair mechanism

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Whatsapp - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

Issue list: [APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private - #3 by martijnpoppen


Is it possible to create an AND card to select the specific group where the message is coming in?

@kooskortekaas No it’s not possible to determine the group

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Oke, too bad.

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I get a message in the group app “a member is using the old WhatsApp version” and it’s only in the group where the home is also, how can I whats app for the homey update?

@Nastybaloo thanks for translating. But I already replied to this message right….

:hugs: My pleasure… Coming myself from a tiny kingdom, i know how difficult language somtimes can be…