[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private


thank You for info. I need to test it with other account.

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Sorry for my previous message. My wife had all Whatsapp notification turned off.

Evyrything is wotking ok.

Best regards

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@Lukasz_Kostek Nice! :smiley:

@Vastin so is the issue fixed? I saw you send me multiple reports.

First of all I will restore my message, I see that I accidentally deleted it.
This may help other people in the future.

As soon as there is a WhatsApp message with an image (camera screenshot) to be sent from an existing flow to the WhatsApp group, suddenly the app crashes.
Tested with multiple flows and different (Foscam) cameras.
The Foscam app works well, neatly retrieves screenshots from the cameras.

If I create a new flow with a test message TEXT + IMAGE then the app also crashes, but if I create a test message with only TEXT then it works, both to the group and directly to my number :thinking:

After trying a few times it now works sometimes and sometimes not, very strange.
However, you do not get any notification of this, and you will have to manually restart the app in Homey.

WhatsApp works again after reconnecting with WhatsApp, something that didnā€™t work before.
I was restarting the app when I noticed that the exclamation mark remained at the virtual WhatsApp device.
Then it indicated that it had to be recombined.
Reregistered as a device in WhatsApp and everything works again after defect.
Very strange this, looks like an external storage if you ask me.

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Yes, the problem is solved.

Reconnecting with WhatsApp solved the problem.
However, this did not work at first, it resulted in a timeout.
Afterwards, the app itself indicated in the settings that the device had to be re-registered.

Thank you for the quick response!

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@Vastin nice that itā€™s fixed! :smiley: . For the future please send 1 report. As I already get lots of reports per day. Itā€™s just flooding my mailbox :wink:

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Hey Martijn,

Do you know why WhatsApp does not receive anything in homey? If I create a flow to send a message it does so, but reading text from received messages does not work.

I would like to set it up if I receive a message from the emergency service with the word ā€œemergencyā€ in it from a certain number and then it will start a flow.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @Thijs_van_Puffelen
Youā€™re currently in a English topic. Please translate your post so our non-dutch forum members can read along.

I canā€™t say why that doesnā€™t work. Do you use your own number to send that message or another? You donā€™t get notificatons from yourself

Yes, i use my own number.

I have pictures of the flows if you want to see.

@Thijs_van_Puffelen you donā€™t get notifications from your own number

Just noticed this message:

Did somebody already think of a flow to detect this? So I can send a push to take action?

@FKey I can make a flow card for it? :stuck_out_tongue:

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That would be great.
Makes it a more reliable notification

I am using it in my ā€œman downā€ flow.
To alert my sister (so she does not need to install the homey app, just to ger a noticiarion)

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Thanks for your replies, after doing some electrical work in my house and switching the fuse so the homey was powered again, everything worked flaweless. Even the P2000 app that never worked, started to work.

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Absolutely love the App - works great! The only issue that I have is that WhatsApp seems to disconnect from the Ubuntu device after a period of time. I only find out after realizing that Iā€™m no longer getting messages. Is there a way to keep the connection ā€˜liveā€™ longer. Again - great app, thanks!

@PaulArts the Ubuntu device is in this case your homey
But no thereā€™s not actually it should keep alive.

Iā€™ll make a flowcard which can notify you if itā€™s down [APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private - #1236 by FKey

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Excellent - thanks Martijn

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I had the same problem with sending messages from OpenAI with Whatsapp. The Whatsapp app crashed and when trying to pair again i get a timout. Donā€™t know what to do to get Whatsapp stable again.

@kooskortekaas maybe the answer is the same as the message you reply to :wink: