[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private

@SingKT correct. That’s not supported with the way this app works

I have bought 2 new prepaid number, specially for Homey. Both were blocked very fast, within 2-3 hrs.
Maybe it is because its a new number and only used for homey. I send a automatic message to my girlfriend and me, followed by a ban.
I have back access to both numbers now, after sending Whatsapp an angry message. So hopefully it will stay longer activeb right now.

@Rogier_Verheugen @MikeT87, I’ve experienced the same problem with two numbers being blocked. It didn’t happen instantly, but one number got blocked after 4-6 months, and another after 2-3 months.

Currently, I’ve been using a new number for about 3 months, and it’s still going strong. This time, I opted for WhatsApp Business instead of having two accounts on the regular WhatsApp app.

I suspect that when using the regular WhatsApp, if you rarely switch to the Homey number (which makes sense because why should you), the account might get blocked because the messages aren’t being seen, or the number isn’t appearing online frequently enough.

WhatsApp Business seems better suited for this situation, at least in my experience.


Thanks voor the tip. I will try that and will switch from regulsr to bussiness.
I only send maybe 1 or 2 messages in a day to my own number and my GF s number… so that is not so much

Did you open the phone frequently? Or just only homey active?

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For both once a week or so.

@martijnpoppen Hi Martijn, in order to free-up some storage on my iPhone, I deleted the regular Whatsapp-app on my phone. After having upgraded to the latest IOS 18, I re-installed Whatsapp on my phone. Works fine, but … I didn’t realise upfront this would break the pairing to Whatsapp in Homey. Trying to repair the link wasn’t successful. Finally also re-installed your Whatsapp-app in Homey, created a new link in IOS-whatsapp (which went OK), but then unfortunately Homey doesn’t seem to finish setting up this new device. See screenshot … how to solve this ? TIA

@Mikkie123 can you try via the homey webapp ? https://my.homey.app

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OK, this works wonderfully well. Thanks a lot!

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