[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private

To solve question 2: Buy a prepaid SIM card and activate that number in WA Business. Made Whatsapp Homey Device with WA Business. Then create group with prepaid number and your own number and post messages in that group. You will then receive notifications.


Which image link should you use? It dont work with te app Gallery and i try a few links but i dont see a picture.

Working perfect

Is it possible to send message not as me but as a bot .
So I can change the name ?

Homey messages ?

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offcourse! See :point_right:t2: [APP][Pro] Whatsapp - #61 by LRvdLinden

Ah didn’t see that

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Card tag image, you can choose any images or artwork in your Homey. Card image url any https image url.

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No probs

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Do you also use a prepaid sim then

One time setup.

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With 1.12.10 I still get the error message that the phone number is not valid. Diagnostic report ID: 9afdc7b1-a22a-443e-80ff-b0e0290c6182

@Jochen_Zink you’re phone number consists of 11 characters. is that a valid number in Germany?

Yes, My mobile Phoneno with countrycode +49176xxxxxxxx

without countrycode 0176xxxxxxxx

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New app update (LIVE: 1.12.11):


1: none

1: FIX: German phonenumbers

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Whatsapp - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

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Done @Jochen_Zink :point_up:

@martijnpoppen Wow… that was fast. It works! Thanks a lot!



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Hello Martijn, I do run on v1.12.11, but it only accepts my own telephone number. Is it possible to send messages to others?

Another question, how can I fetch the link of a group? I cannot find it anywhere in WhatsApp.

@Victor_Bicknese of course you can send to other numbers. :slight_smile:

You can get the link of the group IF you’re admin of the group:

Use invite to group via link. And that’s the link you paste in your recipient input field in Homey.

New app update (TEST: 1.13.0):


1: NEW: remove QR and use Code to pair with Whatsapp

1: none

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - Whatsapp - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

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Top, the group works!
But all individual Dutch numbers I tested, except for my own dit fail with an error
“Invalid mobile number OR Invalid group invite link”
I have the test version installed, but that didn’t work either.