it’s not a question just an answer
@bwa i checked the logs but as far as I see it should be there with value 70
hi all, is it possible to check in the flows through in the “and…” flow to check if the car is driving?
@martijnpoppen Hmm, so the target SoC capability is not created.
I deleted the device and created again, but still not target SoC. See diagnostic 5b36950f-e908-4975-a198-7d573fec9321
@Patrick_Van_Deursen unfortunately not
too bad. thanks for the reply. Any workaround ideas you have?
@Patrick_Van_Deursen yes use the is moving
@Patrick_Van_Deursen can you try a app restart?
did that, same result, both in the web app, and the android app
@Patrick_Van_Deursen i mean a restart of the VW app in Homey. Not the homey app
did that (VW app restart, not homey & homey app)
@Patrick_Van_Deursen can you send a diagnostic report?
@Patrick_Van_Deursen sorry my bad… But the Audi E-tron doesn’t have a isMoving card
The newest API doesn’t give that back
The flowcards get decided based on the cars capabilities. But unfortunately the Audi E-tron API is not returning that. It’s only returning a parkingPosition but no realtime position
Damn… Thanks for helping
@Patrick_Van_Deursen you can find all the cards for your car here: com.vag.core/constants/capability_map.js at master · martijnpoppen/com.vag.core · GitHub
Look for audi-ev-audietron
You’re screenshotting the old API
thanks for the clarification.