[APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

but Skoda will not work yet?

@Emil_Linder no, but it would help if you can send a report, so that i can share the data with the maintainer of the library

how do i do that?


here is the report
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would love to have this working aging :slight_smile: my charge algorithm rely on knowing the SOC.

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ah sorry i forgot to ask, can you enable debug in the device settings? and send a new report after that?

okay, a new try!
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was it correct this time?

@Emil_Linder yes thanks!

I can confirm the issue is the same as these 2:

So we’ll have to wait for a update

anything I can do to help?

@Emil_Linder unfortunately not. I also can’t do anything as I have no tools to debug the VAG api’s :frowning:

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:rotating_light: Skoda API

there are issues with the API again. Therefore this app will probably not function at the moment for the above mentioned brands

Can not add my car. But I see vag has api problems. Can also read on other forums about that. That’s probably why then.
Anyway bug code 7b2d27e7-12d7-47fd-add7-ca6b566d320f
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@Anders_Gogstad already replied. currently only Skoda has issues

But if feels like a issue in the github rep. since I can both use the skoda connect services both on web and mobile app.
And if I use the browser to fetch the tokens necessary, then I can query the APIs using postman :slight_smile:
Unfortunately I don’t know how to do a proper authentication to fetch all types of tokens necessary :frowning:

@Emil_Linder ofcourse it is a issue in the GitHub repo.
The VAG API’s are reversed engineered. So if you mobile app works it wont mean that your Homey or other smart home system works.

We’re just depended in people who know how to reverse engineering the API. Which just takes time With ith Skoda and other brands changing their API all the time

And i dont have the tools to do this. I only have a VW to check the API. And not all calls are available in the web portal to check

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if it helps I can lean out my credentials to be able to look att real data…

@Emil_Linder :point_up:

I don’t maintain the library. so please be patient until there’s a fix. Nothing i can do.

Sorry, didn’t mean to push, thought you knew the developer of the github rep. and if they needed a car to look at :slight_smile:
I will wait…

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