[APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

@Familjen_T52 can you restart the app, try again and send a new report?

Ok, so after a network reset on Homey the car is in Homey now. It shows all the correct data but don’t react to climatization. I can if i press the buttons in the app a couple of times lock and unlock.
Only thing i can’t get to work is clima or vent.

@Familjen_T52 Audi or VW?

Its the VW.

Will try everything on the audi as soon as it is at home in approx. 15 mins.

can you trigger some commands and send a report after that? :slight_smile:
Commands are a bit all over the place since all VAG API updates :frowning:

Sorry can’t reach the cars right now for testing.
I forgot to change the update interval so now i have been locked out from VW and Audi. Will try again when they let me in again. Hope it will be soon.

Whats the difference between climatisation, climatisation V2 and climatisation V3?

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@Familjen_T52 got the same question 2 days ago:


Hey @martijnpoppen
It looks like there’s an error in the app?
This screenshot is from when I press Settings for the app.

Hi @Simon_Valkaer
I don’t see why that’s an error? :thinking:

Okay then :slight_smile:
I thought maybe I should be able to configure various things in settings. I thought it was an error since it says: “This page is temporarily disabled.”

No there’s nothing there. But I will change the title :wink:
I removed the page today as a lot of people were looking in the app settings to set-up their car instead of going to “add device”
After answering that question so many times i decided to remove the page :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh… that makes sense.
By the way, I can no longer find the “Force recheck” flowchart. I have restarted the app (that’s how I discovered the false “error”) :slight_smile:

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@Simon_Valkaer check the device settings if the force check is enabled there :slight_smile:

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It’s extremely embarrassing for me… I had forgotten that I removed it in there the other day! Sorry and thanks :wink:
I removed it when I was having trouble with the MyAudi connection. I don’t know if I got banned…

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No worries! :smiley:

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So here are the report from VW when triggered the buttons.


What is the recommended update and force update interval?

Last night, I was not able to log in using our regular VW mobile app.
I guess it was related to a faulty s-pin or/and too frequent API calls.
Disabled the app on my Homey and would try again in a short time, this time without s-pin and probably longer update intervals.


@Olex like this

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Will check @Familjen_T52
You said it worked earlier. Did you have this app installed before?

It worked earlier today to lock and unlock if i triggered the buttons multiple times. The response time for the click before it worked was about 10 sek. The other triggers didn’t work even if i triggered them more times and not if i waited longer either.
So the lock and unlock seems to work. Not steady for me but still.