[APP][Pro] Verisure

Reinstalled app, but still same problem :frowning:

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Is there somewhere a link to download the previous version? I’ve got a lot of flows with status alarm which one are not working anymore now…

In the new app I can’t also choose something in the drop down menu, should this work?

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Doesn’t work for me. Can’t log in. Tried to uninstall and install.


I got the same problem. This app has always been working great, now it is not working at all. Many flows of mine is now not working. I hope for a fix quite soon.

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Had the same issue, fixed by deactivating 2-step verification.

I have the same problem. Always worked flawlesly.
I am using a specific Homey user. Disabled 2FV.
Removed the app and installed again.
Can’t configur the app.

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You should not reinstall… Uninstall and then install the app again. Add all the devices. And after that you need to update all the flows with the new devices.

Works great when you have done that!

I uninstalled and installed again. I can’t get pass the app configuration.
I use a specific (limited) user for Homey. I input the emai as username and the password. I don’t use the arm/disarm code. I get an error message after a few seconds when clicking the ‘login’ button. I don’t get any values in the drop-down menu (what is this?). The save settings screen is green, but nothings happens when I click it. The settings are not saved when I return to the ‘My settings page’.

Have you disabled the 2fa on the account on verisure webpages? If not do that!

Yes. Always been disabled.

Sorry saw now that you mentioned that earlier… And your sure that you entered the right password? (tried it on verisures pages)

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Yes. Actually changed it for this specific Homey user, to make sure I hadn’t forgotten.
Will try and restart Homey and install the app again, to see if this does the trick.

Great!! All you can do then is a diagnostic rapport from the app menu and send the numbers to the app dev @norenz so he can take a look at it!

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@norenz Possible to add these cards for smart lock?


Had the same problem. Problem with me was the 2FA of this specific user. Apparently new users are given the 2FA by default and the way to to change that (at least with me) was to first assign admin rights to this “homey only”-user and then disable the 2FA when logged in as this user. Afterwards I’ve reduced the rights to read only. Now it seems to work.


After the update all devices were lost indeed causing issues in my flows.
So I reinstalled all devices.
But in the past I had a “larm” object which is getting the alarm status changes (activated, partially activated, deactivated) independent on how I changed the status - via one of the two keypads in my home or via the Verisure app on my phone.

Currently I have all devices reinstalled. There is also a “Home” object I never noted before - which I though to be the new “larm” object. I used that now in my flows. Last night it worked perfect when I set the alarm via one of the two keypads. But when I turned off the alarm via my Verisure app on my phone, it doesn’t send the signal to the Homey Verisure app.

I know there was a description how to get such a “larm” object in Homey which handles all status changes independent on how it was done. But I cannot find it anymore somehow.

Does it still work that way with the new version? Does anyone know where that description is?

Unfortunately at this moment all my verisure related flows are not working properly anymore because of this change.

EDIT: Problem solved. Not sure if it was the restart of the app or the reconnect to verisure from out of the app but that solved it. The Home object is doing the job which is great! Despite the reconnect a very good update.
Note: I also had to reconnect the Verisure app on my phone which I never had to do before, after I reconnected the Homey Verisure app.

Hurra for this community. Perfect Wim - it worked. Big thx

I did have alot off promblems bifore but now i found out that i did have 2FA on. With that off and new addone everything works great :slight_smile:

I have the same problem, triad everything sugested in this tread.

Get this massage: Error: Encountered an unexpected error value: “undefined”

Removed all devices, restarted the app, tried adding device; result: An unknown error has occurred [unknown_error]
Now uninstalled app, reinstalled app, tried adding (home) device again; result: step-up-auth error
I cannot seem to disable 2FA; any idea how I can switch that off for one of my accounts? Or is it only on/off for ALL accounts?