[APP][Pro] V2C Wallbox

V2C Wallbox

Control your V2C Wallbox charger directly from Homey.

This app requires that Homey and the V2C Wallbox are connected to the same local network. The app communicates with the charger using HTTP commands based on V2C’s official specifications. For proper functionality, it is also necessary to assign a static IP address to the Wallbox on your Wi-Fi router.

Specification Document

Useful links


  • Install this app on your Homey.
  • Ensure both Homey and the V2C Wallbox are on the same local network.
  • Add your V2C Wallbox device through the app.
  • Control and monitor your charger using Homey’s intuitive interface.

Current features:


  • Retrieve data from the Wallbox: status, car connection, charging power in watts (W), and charging current in amperes (A)
  • Monitor and display charger status and connection to the car
  • More Flow cards for conditions (AND).
  • THEN cards for controlling dynamic power management, setting power mode, adjusting power in amperes (A), and more.

Currently nothing more than production

Tested on V2C Trydan Wallbox, compatible with other V2C models due to unified specifications.

Supported Languages:

  • :uk: English

If you appreciate this app, consider supporting future development.


This app enables seamless integration of V2C Wallbox chargers with Homey, enhancing your smart home setup with automated charging control and detailed status monitoring.

You might find a Homey Script useful that converts watts to amps. With this and the SET intensity card, you can subsequently control the charging based on the surplus energy from your PV system. This script calculates the three-phase power at 230V voltage referenced to neutral.

// Function to convert Watts to Amps in a three-phase system with a phase voltage of 230V
function convertWattsToAmps(powerWatts) {
    const voltage = 230; // Phase voltage (V)
    const powerFactor = 1; // Power factor (cos φ), assumed to be 1

    // If the input value is negative, return 0
    if (powerWatts < 0) {
        return 0;

    // Calculation of current in Amps in a three-phase system (for total power distributed across three phases)
    const currentAmps = powerWatts / (3 * voltage * powerFactor);
    return currentAmps;

// Capture the value from arguments (args) and round it to the nearest whole number
const power = Math.round(args[0]); // Assume the power value in watts will be the first argument

// Constant power value for potential supplementation from the grid (in Watts)
const additionalPower = 1000; 

// Use the value for calculation
let current = convertWattsToAmps(power);

// Check if the current is less than 6 A
if (current < 6) {
    // Add the constant value to the power and recalculate the current
    current = convertWattsToAmps(power + additionalPower);

// Round the result down to the nearest whole number
current = Math.round(current);

// Save the rounded result into a variable using the new API
tag("currentInAmpsPrimary", current);

// Output to console (for debugging)
console.log(`The current is ${current} A`);

This script will help you manage the charging based on the energy surplus from your PV system by converting power in watts to current in amps for a three-phase system with 230V.

Apps which I use for controlling my wallbox
Simple Sys Log
Insight Trends Reloaded

First, I calculate the current average overflow from my photovoltaic system (PVE) over the last 1 minute. This allows me to filter out short-term fluctuations, such as when a cloud passes over the sun.

Next, I control the flow for starting/pausing charging and possibly adjusting the current in Amps. The flow could probably be simplified :). At a minimum, by setting the current to 0 Amps in case of a pause. However, I haven’t tried that yet.

Sys Log is used for back control of values which goes to homey script (above), and which are output of that script.