[APP][Pro] Ubiquiti UniFi Network

I was also wondering this a few posts back, but I think this card is meant for the Unifi Wifi AP’s themselves rather than the client devices (a bit confusing indeed).

A question to anyone using this Homey app to block/unblock wifi devices: do you also experience devices looking unblocked but not actually able to connect to wifi?

When looking in the native Unifi Android app (not the Homey Unifi App) the device appears unblocked as well, but it will only actually reconnect to wifi after I block/unblock it once more.

It make no sense, why should the tag “who” exist if it about APs? And why tag SSID?

I have moved the test version to production. You can lose some functionality if you had the old production version. Sorry for that but there are many problems with memory and lots of events.

The new version has support for 2023 Homey and is rebuild.

@JeeHaa Test your “Timeline” flow, you might be overloading the timeline with too many requests.
You should see an “rate_limited” error if this is the case.
Unfortunately the timeline is not suited for many alerts

I don’t think so, I don’t see any client connect event at all. I think it really doesn’t log wifi client connects but Unifi de ide events.

I’m here because the disconnect triggers stopped April 6. I discovered that the AP drop down list in the cards disappeared and was replaced with the option to free-type the AP name or MAC.

Finally got to this forum and see you made efforts to renew/improve the app, thank you for that!

So I’ve

  1. added the AP names again in the cards
  2. Pressed apply in the Settings which changed from disconnected to connected

Should I enable application flows? What is it for?

While you are refreshing this app, it would be great to have a tag with AP name from the Connected trigger card.

Potential bug:
The flow card “Disconnected with Basement” fails for some mobile phones.

Since the new version (2.3.10) I have not added or changed any of the unifi devices. It may be related to devices that have not been in use for a while.

Here is the error:


I was having some problems with my alarm not automatically turning on/off based on connected phones and after some testing I found that the ‘first device connected’ and ‘last connection disconnected’ cards are not working anymore.

Is this a known problem?


I have the very same issue. None of the triggers are working any more.

You must enable Interval & Websocket and Application Flows in the settings from the app

I enabled it, but it didn’t solve the problem. Also restarted the app afterwards to be sure, but no difference.
Other flows are working correctly, when I turn on/off my wifi the flow to set my user as Home/Away is working fine.

Any more suggestions?

My other flows using connect/disconnect of devices are working, only the first connected/last disconnected are not.

Hi, I have exactly the same problem. Did you manage to solve this? When adding a device (wired or wireless) no devices are found and get the 401 error.

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I have a suspicion as of why the first/last device connected are not working. I had created a test flow which reports when any device connects or reconnects. This flow used to report only those devices which I had added to Homey. But as I just had some connection “hick-ups” of one of my APs, the before mentioned flows started to report devices which have not been added to Homey as connected and disconnected. Therefore, I suspect the triggers first/last connected device are taking all devices connected to Unifi into account, while before, it only cared about those devices which were actually added to Homey.

Just my two pennies worth :slight_smile:


Thanks for the info, I’ll make a flow like that also to see if it behaves the same here.

@ObelixNL: is that something you could maybe look into?

Is there a problem with the event log in 2.3.10? I have that checkbox checked, but I never see anything happening in the event log box. It seems to trigger on connecting devices though.

It looks like I have the same issue. But haven’t used this log viewer for a long time. I’m using version 2.3.10 as well. Running on homey pro early 2016 model, version 8.1.4.

The cards “Device just connected” and “Wifi connection lost” has since a couple of months stopped working. The flows are not being triggered…

Any ideas?

My cloudkey is running firmware v1.1.19 and unifi 7.2.97-18705-1 on a fixed IP-adres
My Homey Pro (Early 2019) is running version 8.0.5.
Ubiquiti UniFi Network app is version v2.3.10

When is start configuring the app like this:

I used these same login& password as i use for the webaccess tot the cloudkey. It does not connect and i get error: Error: Request failed with status code 401.
I found someone tried port 443 and i got error: Request failed with status code 412.
I found someone tried without a sitename and i got error: Request failed with status code 401.
I changed the site name to the same name in Unifi controler: Request failed with status code 401.
I’m out of options! Help!