[APP][Pro] Tuya Zigbee App

Hi Rocky,
Just pick one it doesn’t matter, it will be added as the right one.

Best regards Peter.

1 Like

I added this thing: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0095/4079/6497/files/battery_powered_light_switch.pdf?v=1716713547

I guess it’s not supported yet as I was able to add it as 4 gang remote thingy, however I get only 1 click 2 click and no long press option and when I test it for every thing i click i get 2 triggers instead of 1:

so when i click i get 2 push notifications

Hi Rocky,

Did you try to interview it to find the device Manufacturer number and lookup at the first pages here if it is supported.
Number might be also available by the Setting > Advanced settings of your device.

Best regards Peter

yes its up there

  "ids": {
    "modelId": "TS0044",
    "manufacturerName": "_TZ3000_wkai4ga5"
  "endpoints": {
    "ieeeAddress": "38:39:8f:ff:fe:68:5e:39",
    "networkAddress": 54492,
    "modelId": "TS0044",
    "manufacturerName": "_TZ3000_wkai4ga5",
    "endpointDescriptors": [
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "nwkAddrOfInterest": 54492,
        "_reserved": 18,
        "endpointId": 1,
        "applicationProfileId": 260,
        "applicationDeviceId": 0,
        "applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
        "_reserved1": 1,
        "inputClusters": [
        "outputClusters": [
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "nwkAddrOfInterest": 54492,
        "_reserved": 12,
        "endpointId": 2,
        "applicationProfileId": 260,
        "applicationDeviceId": 0,
        "applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
        "_reserved1": 1,
        "inputClusters": [
        "outputClusters": []
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "nwkAddrOfInterest": 54492,
        "_reserved": 12,
        "endpointId": 3,
        "applicationProfileId": 260,
        "applicationDeviceId": 0,
        "applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
        "_reserved1": 1,
        "inputClusters": [
        "outputClusters": []
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "nwkAddrOfInterest": 54492,
        "_reserved": 12,
        "endpointId": 4,
        "applicationProfileId": 260,
        "applicationDeviceId": 0,
        "applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
        "_reserved1": 1,
        "inputClusters": [
        "outputClusters": []
    "deviceType": "enddevice",
    "receiveWhenIdle": false,
    "capabilities": {
      "alternatePANCoordinator": false,
      "deviceType": false,
      "powerSourceMains": false,
      "receiveWhenIdle": false,
      "security": false,
      "allocateAddress": true
    "extendedEndpointDescriptors": {
      "1": {
        "clusters": {
          "basic": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "zclVersion",
                "value": 3,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
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                "acl": [
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                "name": "appVersion",
                "value": 66,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
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                "reportingConfiguration": {
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                "value": "_TZ3000_wkai4ga5",
                "reportingConfiguration": {
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                "value": "battery",
                "reportingConfiguration": {
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                "reportingConfiguration": {
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                "name": "batteryVoltage",
                "value": 30,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
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                "value": 200,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
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                "reportingConfiguration": {
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                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
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            "commandsReceived": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND"
        "bindings": {
          "ota": {},
          "time": {}
      "2": {
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            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
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                "value": false
        "bindings": {}
      "3": {
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          "onOff": {}
        "bindings": {}
      "4": {
        "clusters": {
          "powerConfiguration": {},
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            "commandsReceived": "UNSUP_GENERAL_COMMAND"
        "bindings": {}

This bug is already reported on the GitHub page in issue #864.

I am also hoping for a fix :blush:.

Hi @johan_bendz
Thanks for the job.
Do you think about adding the parameter of the module Wall mounted curtain switch ?
Thanks for feedback

Hi @Waddle00, the changes made to the curtain module applied to the wall curtain switch? If so I’m on it.

Hi @johan_bendz

thanks for the response, it’s perfect.

@johan_bendz I like to say THANK YOU as my radar sensors finally working!! :tada::tada:

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Hi @johan_bendz

About Smart Airbox, is it possible to add 2 decimals on formaldehyde?

This value should be precise, formaldehyde TLV is 0.3ppm for information.

Another thing, CO2 value returned is 2ppm. I think this value is very low (average value is around 400ppm)

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Nicolas,

I also have 2 Smart airboxes and they give a good CO2 reading average 355 ppm so they are good :+1:t2:

Best regards Peter.

Happy happy happy :smiley:

NP @Nicolas, I’ll add some dicemals to it :slight_smile:

Oh oh… Nicolas might need to check a mirror :vampire: :bat: :rofl:

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Halloween is coming, I’m preparing my best role! :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks Peter. Very strange, I’ll exclude and include my sensor another one time.

Anyone connected a zigbee fingerbot without using the additional Tuya hub?

There is a open device request on GitHub since Issue 868

is it possible to find out before buying if this is supported: LUUMR Smart LED-Stiftlampe G9 2,5W Tuya WLAN klar CCT | Lampenwelt.ch

Looks like a WiFi device, check with Athom.

LUUMR Smart LED G9 2,5W CCT Tuya ZigBee Hue 3er-Set | Lampenwelt.ch wrong link i guess, there is a zigbee tuya one?

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Nice! Impressive if they actually fit a good light and working Zigbee in that small device without overheating it. I just ordered one to test/develop on.

ok let me know :slight_smile:
also another question - is there a prioritization in the queue of open tickets you have (I can’t find that in the board I guess maybe cus I just changed the title… Device Request - LoraTap 6 Button - TS0046 - 6 button wall remote · Issue #962 · JohanBendz/com.tuya.zigbee · GitHub)

It’s a lot of things you are working on :open_mouth: