[APP]PRO] Tesla

Hi all,
Anyone experiencing an 540 error when using a Flow card to turn on the Steering Wheel heating?
I have a 2021 S and other Climate cards (seat, temp) do work as expected.

Hm, not sure what could be a reason…

Which API are you using? REST?

Yes, I understand that I still could or should use it, right?
Or should I try/already switch to Proxy?

I think so. It should work with REST.
I will check the flow later

There is the device battery&charge
I wonder if I connect to my Powerwall 2, as it is a battery, or if that is only possible in connection to a Tesla charging system.
In the description the emphasis is focussed on Tesla cars, but as it is called only Tesla App it should include all Tesla products and as I understand the Tesla fleet API is already adopted to powerwalls.
The existing App Tesla Energy does not use the API and somehow I cannot connect my Homey Pro 23 to the Powerwall, and the github discussion does not help either.

This app is using the Tesla Fleet API for cars. And the battery device represents the car battery (just to separate different use cases as device).
Powerwall is not supported.

Thank you @RonnyW ,
I just asked as there is a battery in the device Car and another battery in the device battery & charge. So I thought, they were different.
And on https://developer.tesla.com/docs/fleet-api#energy-endpoints an explicit reference to the powerwall. So at least it should be possible to include the powerwall. Currently it seems to be included.So I hope the best for the future, either this app or the the Tesla Energy App.

The battery in the car is for generic use kn Homey (measure_battery) und the ones in battery device for detail sensor view (number instead of only an icon).

And yes. the API would support power equipment. But I don’t have such things and can’t add/test. A specialized app would be better.

I tried with a 2023 MY. C/A (preconditioning) must be on to be able to set steering wheel mode. If C/A is off, an error is thrown:

But perhaps the older car doesn’t support auto mode and levels.
In this case, another API request is needed I think. I can add this simple on/off next days.


This is correct @RonnyW
In the car there is also only an on/off for my steering wheel. Perhaps newer models support more levels. A great improvement as the thing can get too hot to hold sometimes! :slight_smile:
By the way, is there a possibility to turn on front and/back defrost? I know there is a Defrost option, but I expect it only activates the blower function. I was looking for the back window heating.

@RonnyW could you please add error code is_charging to white list??

New test version 1.2.10:

  • Added flow action for simple steering wheal heating on/off.
  • Extended API error whitelist: ‘is_charging’.

This flow card can be used for older models with simple on/off steering wheel.

@Sasan_Khandanpour @pmilten FYI

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I am wondering how to set the locations (geofencing) in the app. I have set the read location as Yes. I just could not find a trigger card “When Car enters location XYZ” or the conditional card “When card is at home” then …

Can someone help me here?

Thank you.

Please add the location device.
Then you can use it’s flow cards. Homey loccation is useable directly. Other locations you can set in device settings and select them in the flow card.

Hello. Thank you for your advice. I did set it up. I had not added it before. However I have three cars and none of them seems to be passing on the location data to the app.

Please activate location reading in car device settings. It’s an opt-in for privacy.

For the last three days charging has not started when connected. Homey is on 10.3.2. I’m using an advanced flow that starts at midnight, at home etc. I’m also using this flow to decrease charge power so that I don’t exceed a given maximum kwh for my electrical bill.

This flow and charging has worked flawlessly since migration from the old Tesla app.

It reports these errors:

“car could not execute command: is_charging” and “system”

Does anyone experience any similar errors in the last week?

The API returns the error “is_charging” if you try to start charging while the car already charges. Such errors are ignored in the next version to process the flow action without errors.
You can already try the current test version, which already includes this fix.

Okay I thought something like that. But car was not fully charged to desired battery level only connected.

I will try 1.2.16 thank you😊

There was a typo error in my post.
If the car already charges and you try to start charging from a flow, you get this error in current stable version.

With current test version, the flow will continue because the desired state is already active.