[APP]PRO] Tesla

Again flow couldn’t start charging. I started later manually. Here is report from app

Was the car awake/online? Could you access it via Tesla mobile app?
Is the car device settings set to “wake up if needed”?

The log says you tried to stop charging and get back an error that the car doesn’t charge yet.

I found an app perfect for calculating the average solar production for a set duration, Insight trends reloaded, I use it to calculate the average output of my solaredge inverter and set a numeric variable.

Big thanks to Edwin_Biemond for pointing it out to me

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Thanks for your answer!

So there is no way to trigger a flow when plugging in the car at home?

This means it will start charging at the last used setting at this location, the port opened event will trigger within 1 minute (just arrived so car will not be sleeping) and the flow will run (and end charging if there is no solar output)

How important is it to reduce the number of change charge state or current to minimize wear on the car’s chargers and inverters?

Thanks again!

I am having some problems with the location data. The location ”Device” of the app is not updating at all. The main device and the battery device work perfectly AFAIK. Any idea where to start troubleshooting? Do I need to manually enable something in the car?

The only suspicious thing I can find is this app registry key in the state “unknown”:

No I clicked on start charging. But as I said when the flow wants to start charging despite charging is already in progress it stops charging… But maybe it’s because of more than one version of flow exist? I will watch and wait and tell you again.

Please activate location reading in car sevice settings. It’s causign the location icon in car display, so it’s an opt-in for privacy.

You have not registered the app in your car or your car doesn’t provide a valid state (have seen this for some leased cars). If it’s not registered as car key, then proceed in car device repair options.

New test version 1.2.7:

  • Added API error whitelist, starting with ‘already_set’

These API errors are ignored and the flow action is processed as finished correctly.
Please report further errors that are useless and should be ignored.

@Sasan_Khandanpour FYI. The SOC limit should not error again if it was already set.

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Thanks mate, this worked immediately! :saluting_face:

The Tesla Command Proxy will be offline for a short time form maintenance.

Edit: Proxy is online again.

Hi thanx for that. alreasy_set comes with SOC but also with setting up charging current. But I think your white list takes effect an all flow cards?!
There are some more API errors who should be on white list:
not_charging (when trying to stop charging)
And there is an error code if the car is already charging and you try to start the charging. When you do so charging will be stopped in the car! I have to check for the right error text later when I have pluged in car.

The car was awake and online. I checked in the Tesla app. Wake up if needed is activated. I will send you a log again when I tried again. Now I tried to choose Kommando-API on Tesla vehicle command proxy. Than I can read data from the car, but I can’t do any commandos. I can’t register the APP key. Tesla App says to me its not needed for this car.

That can’t be right I think. The app sends true or false dependent on your flow card. But it’s not a “toggle”. So perhaps you have copied the card and the option was not changed

Then it’s ok to use REST API. The car got no update to use the Fleet API.

Yes, it’s a white list only for the error code independent of the flow card.

Hi. I cannot find this settings for location reading anywhere?

Car device settings. There you can set some API stuff.

I really browsed all menues in the car, but I’m not able to see this anywhere??

Car device, advanced settings:

Great. That solved the location problem. Why not have “yes” as default?

For privacy reason - opt in :wink:


Since two days the app doesn’t anymore. I tried to add my Tesla again but I receive the following error:

https://auth.tesla.com/oauth2/v3/token error: connect ETIMEDOUT 2a02:26f0:6d00:c8f::700:443

Does more people encounter this issue?