[APP]PRO] Tesla

Thanks for the awesome app @RonnyW ! The deprecated version had the distance to home, which I use in an automation (different distances trigger different events) but the new app doesn’t. Any chance that’ll be added?

Hi, what’s your use case? Do you mean distance in m/km? Or only a leaft/reached trigger?

The trigger you can use after adding the “location” device. You can set locations based on coordinates or GoogleMaps links in device settings.
Then activate location readings in car device settings.

Then you can use these triggers:

Or use a generic trigger with only coordinates or GoogleMaps link:

Yeah that would work for the triggers. I also log the distance from home and I don’t think I can do that with the above.

New live version 1.3.0:

  • Added charging history
    Check you charging sessions in repair view of your battery device. All sessions are stored from now, not only the SuC chargings.
    The history entry is created on start charging and stopped on diconnected cable. This way, paused chargings (PV) are all counted on one session.

  • Added SuC charging history:
    You can now check your SuC chargings in repair view of your battery device. It’s the data from the API showing the same data like shown in the Tesla app.

  • Added energy meter:
    If a charging session is completed (cable is disconnected), the added energy is added to a meter capability of your battery device.
    You can set an initial meter value using a flow action.


Hi, the distance was a capability (meters from home), right? I think something similar can be added, too.

Yes, I put #Distance from home into a variable before I log it in a Google sheet.

I added the distance in the current test version (1.3.2). But I use km and not m as unit to keep it easier to read in the device sensor view.

Hi Ronny

Thanks for a great app!

I am having severe battery drain issues, around 10%pt/24hrs. I have done everything the Tesla-community suggests, to no avail.

So, I set the polling interval to 600 minutes for both online and offline. No change.

Then I removed the access for the Tesla Homey app in my Tesla account. The drain went down to 1-2%pt/24hr.

Any ideas on this?

a simple polling doesn’t wake up your car. If it’s asleep, the API just returns the asleep state.
Do you have some flows running with commands?
As you have set the “wake up to send commands” the app wakes up the car if it’s asleep to send a command.

PS: you can set your interval back to 1/10min. Then use ths state changed trigger of you car device and log if/when the car wakes up to check if there are flows running at this time or in the same interval.

Hi Ronny

Thanks for your quick answer.

Yes, I have a flow that checks if the charging port is open. This must be the reason. I have this because I have not found a card that tells me when the car is plugged in. I want to have the battery level reported only when the car is at home, charging.

The reason for this is that I charge the car in the daytime when I have excess energy from the solar panels. But I want it to charge to a minimum level at any given time, and thus I cannot have 4 hours between every check.

Any ideas on how to manage what I want?

Perhaps you could share your flows?

Some facts and ideas…

  1. The app is reading car state by polling. The offline interval os only used to not spam the Tesla servers.
  2. Polling doesn’t wake up your car.
  3. If you wake up the car (flow action, device or from the car itself), the next poll sees the car is online and new data is fetched. This updates the device capabilities.
  4. So just use the “has changed” triggers ro react on changes. No need to send commands.
  5. The new app splits car functionality into single devices. If you want to get battery data/actions, the add the battery device. This device has it’s own flows and capabilities.
  6. The battery device has a charging state changed trigger and condition cards for charging state. Use this for the “plugged” check.

To prevent to wake up the car, please check if you are using actions like “set SoC limit”.


Some ideas about your flow…

I think this is causing your issue;

If the car goes to sleep while the charge port is open, the capability won’t change. And if you change the variable timebased, this flow will run to the wallbox settings. And if you activate the wallbox (start charging), the car wakes up and starts charging.
Add a timeline entry to check when and how often this happens.

And this is not needed:
The capability can only change if new data is received. That means: a data refresh is changing the capability, so you don’t need a manual refresh.

Thanks a lot for personal support! I will try your tips, once I find out how to add a timeline entry :wink:

man. 8. apr. 2024 kl. 21:13 skrev Ronny Winkler via Homey Community Forum <notifications@athom.discoursemail.com>:

New @Homey?

Or just send push messaged :wink:

Well, yeah :slight_smile: At least in hours spent playing around with it.

Thanks again for great support!

man. 8. apr. 2024 kl. 22:08 skrev Ronny Winkler via Homey Community Forum <notifications@athom.discoursemail.com>:

New Live version 1.4.0 including all changes sinde 1.3.0:

  • Distance from home:
    The location device is showing the distance from home in km/miles.

  • The location device offers a flow action to start navigation to a Supercharger. The selection field is showing nearest SuCs. The car must be awake to get the SuC list. If “wake up if needed” is set, the car is woken up when the input field gets active. The list is showing the distance and free stalls.

  • The location device has a manintenace view now.
    You can access a list all nearest SuCs and a list of nearest destination chargers.
    The view needs an awake car to get the data via API.
    You can start navigation directly from the list (1st button) or you can show the charger in GoogleMaps (coordinates from the API are used, so perhaps less accurate).


Hey. I installed your app, connection works well, thank su a lot!

now i would start to charge my car if i have overproduction on my PV, but i don’t have any option in flows to start charching. Do I need to configure something? other options are avaiable, but none for charging.

thank you

Please read the begining of the thread
Do you have the Battery device?

How to start?

This app offers several devices you can add.
Start with the car device. This connects to your car and allows some central functions to be controlled.
Then add devices for special purposes you want to control like battery/charging, climate or location.



ok, now all is clear. starting charging is still not possible, i got the error the car is not registred?`all rights are granted in tasla account…