[APP][Pro] Telldus Live NEW DEVELOPER NEEDED :-)

With this app you can add sensors, dimmers and switches from “Telldus Live”.

For “Telldus ZNET lite v2” - gateways, a direct, local connection is also supported.

Link to the app in app store.


For Telldus Live:

You will need a “Telldus Live” account, and “OAuth tokens”.

To create OAuth tokens:

  • Go to Telldus Technologies
  • Click on “Generate a private token for my user only”, and follow the instructions.

Then install the “Telldus Live” device from the app.
Enter the public key, private key, token and token secret that you created.

Now you can install sensors, dimmers and switches.

For Telldus Local:

If you have a “Telldus ZNET lite v2”, it can be controlled locally, without an Internet connection.
To use the “Telldus Local”, you need to create an access token.

Find the IP address of your TellStick device.
Then install npm i -g telldus-local-auth, from telldus-local-auth.

Run the tool in a terminal:

telldus-local-auth <IP OF YOUR DEVICE> HomeyLocal

A webpage should open in a browser. Select “One year” and “Auto renew access”, and click on “Authorize”.
Go back to the terminal, and you will see the access token.

Then install the “Telldus Local” device from the app. Enter the access token that you created.

Now you can install sensors, dimmers and switches.


Use at your own risk. I accept no responsibility for any damages caused by using this app.

Release Notes:


  • Support for battery status


  • Fix case for device types


  • Added support for dimmers

Thank you for making this app! I haven’t managed to make it work as expected with Telldus Live and hope you can explain more on how this is supposed to work.

I have installed the app and connected Telldus Live with keys and token. The only thing I can see in Homey is the Telldus Live as a device, and in flows I can check whether the service is online or not. I can however not see any of the devices (switches, dimmers) installed on my Telldus. Am I missing something obvious?


After you have installed the “Telldus Live” - device (or “Telldus Local”), you must install “Telldus Sensor”-and “Telldus Switch” - devices.

Telldus Sensors supports temperature, humidity, kWh, Watt and Voltage depending upon what sensor you have. All your sensors, if they have at least one of these capabilities, should be listed.

Telldus Switch supports on / off switches. All your devices of type “switch” (00000010-0001-1000-2005-ACCA54000000) should be listed.


Thank you! I didn’t understand the two-step process from the description. Now everything works as expected. :slight_smile:


V. 1.0.0 with support for dimmers.

I have a question about the app. I have installed it from Homey Apps and it came in to my iphone. Then I started the app to install a Telldus climate sensor therm/hygro as a Telldus sensor but after a while got the answer No new units have been found. I also tried the Telldes Live part in the app and I entered the two keys and the two tokens (whom I got from Telldus) and also here I got the answer No new units have been found.
The sensor is set in operation by installing the batteries and it is showing temperature and hygro data in its small window on the sensor.
What steps in the installation can I have missed?

Hi, First install “Telldus Live” or “Telldus Local”. The local version does not require Internett access, but is a bit more cumbersome to install.

You can even have both Live and Local at the same time.

Then install “Telldus Sensor”. You should see the same list of sensors as you have in https://live.telldus.com/sensor/index

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Hi,Björnar. I have installed your app Telldus Live in the Homey app, and in this app there are parts like Telldus Live and Telldus Sensor, is that what you mean by install first….?

When I log in to and look in https://live.telldus.com/sensor/index no sensors appear.

Ha en bra dag önskar Torkel

Yes, after installing the app then:

  1. install the “Telldus Live” part. Here you need the four tokens.

  2. then install “Telldus Sensor” (or Switch or Bulb). You shall be able to see all sensor with the same name as in https://live.telldus.com/sensor/index

Thanks for the app!
I have installed Telldus Local and I can control my devices from my Homey app. But if I use my Telldus app to turn on a device, my Homey does not know this. Meaning that I can not use a Local-device as a trigger of a flow, if I use my Telldus-app to turn that device on.
Is this the correct behavior?


The “Telldus Local” - device will check your Telldus ZNET lite v2 on a regular interval. The default interval is 60 seconds, but you can change that if you go to advanced settings for the “Telldus Local”, and set the “polling interval”. The minimum is 10 seconds.

So the “Telldus Local” - device will find the state of all your sensors, bulbs and switches and should update the state to Homey, but with a delay.

Thanks! Works better now.
I have a Telldus ZNET lite v2 and tried both Telldus Live and Telldus Local but I do not experience any differences.
Is it preferred to use Telldus Local and if so, what should be the benefits? Faster response? More stable?

Telldus Local will probably give you faster response, and does not require Internet access, but requires that the Homey can have network access to the Telldus ZNET lite v2.

Telldus Live requires Internet access, but the Telldus hub doesn’t have to be in the same network as the Homey. They can for instance be in your boat or in your cabin.

Ok, thanks for the quick reply!

Hi. I have installed the “Telldus Live” part and also the sensor part (1 sensor) and so far everything is ok. But when i install the “Telldus switch” part nothing is found. I have 2 Nexa LGDR-3500 connected and is shown at my Telldus Live account but it won´t be found in “Telldus switch”. Any ideas what i´ve done wrong?

Hi Niclas,

You can first check that the “device type” is right for the “Telldus Switch”.

  1. Log in to http://api.telldus.com/ and then go to http://api.telldus.com/explore/device/info.
  2. Enter the ID for the device (you see it on the right side)
  3. Select response as “JSON”, and press “Send”.

Check if the deviceType is 00000010-0001-1000-2005-ACCA54000000.

Hi balmli.
Thanks for reply!

I checked the device type and both switches has:
deviceType": “00000010-0001-1000-2005-acca54000000”

I´ve also tried to change name on the switches, also tried to remove and reinstall the Telldus Live app in Homey but still no switches, only able to connect sensors.

Is the device type written with lower case ? “acca”. and not “ACCA”?

Yes, with lower case.

So this might be the case for the device IDs.

I have created a fix for this, that you can test: