[APP][Pro] Synology

Hi Martijn,
If you have nothing to do and are bored.
Maybe you can find new ideas here.
:wink: :sunglasses:

@Friedhofsblond no thanks I’m good :wink:


Hello Martijn,

I already tried to to disable and re-enable WOL, but stil my NAS stays off.
Any ideas?
I have a Homey pro 2023.
A Synology NAS DS414J.
Synology app 1.10.6
Homey version 12.2.1

Thanks in advance.


@Hugo are homey and your NAS on the same Network?
Does WOL work if you run it from another device? Try to install a app on your phone for example

@martijnpoppen Are you sure you meant, IP?

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Yes, they are on the same network.
I will check if WOL works in another way.

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I checked, I can wake-up my Synology by ‘WakeOnLanGui’ from Depicus.
But Homey does not wake my Synology.

@Hugo please send a report.
and is the macaddress correct in the device settings? :slight_smile:

I saw there was no mac address filled.
So, will check tomorrow.
If it’s not the solution i’ll send you the log.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: That was tgd problem.
My mac-address was gone.
Now it works.
Again, thanks.

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