[APP][Pro] Synology

New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.10.4):

  • FIX: reboot
  • FIX: capability override for new Homey firmware

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.10.4):

  • FIX: reboot
  • FIX: capability override for new Homey firmware (Thanks to @Sharkys :pray: )

Hi @martijnpoppen

It looks like there is something wrong with the flowcard “And” for if device is on/off. See error:

Schermafbeelding 2024-10-04 132137

It started happening after these update changes:


Is this a known problem?

@bayrambass its due to homey 12.1.0. But fix will be there soon

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Is it a general FW 12.1.0 bug, or is it just related to the Synology App?

@DirkG general
They changed something in the capabilities and all devs got a email. But seems like I missed something

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New app update (:orange_square: TEST: 1.10.5):

  • FIX: actions and conditions for HP23 firmware 12.2.0

@Sharkys @DirkG @bayrambass see above update :slight_smile:


Hello Martijn,
since an update (7.2.1) the DS no longer outputs SMART values.

Only via a few channels or extra tools.
The AVRlogger no longer works properly either (warning via email).
There is also the option of using the IOBroker and SNMP app - but it also requires a lot of tinkering.
Could you perhaps expand your app a bit to include SMART monitoring?

That would be a nice activity over Christmas.
Think about it
 :sunglasses: :raising_hand_man:t3: :wink:

@Friedhofsblond i can check if it’s possible to get this from the API
But no promises if it will be implemented :wink:

it is probably possible via snmp/MIB :thinking:

But you probably know all that :wink: :blush:

@Friedhofsblond not really :stuck_out_tongue:
Quite a while ago that I developed this app so have to dive into it

hello martijn,
I think your app is good as it is now.
Complete monitoring of a DS (and there are many types!) is too big for homey.
I’m trying to install some monitoring programs on a Debian PC - what a hassle.
So the status email from the DS will have to suffice.
“Drive is good or not good” :man_facepalming:t3: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

best regards :raising_hand_man:t3:


Hello Martijn,

I noticed today that my diskstation is not shutting down anymore and looked at my flows.
There I saw that all cards I used were disabled. (Deze app is niet beschikbaar omdat de app of het apparaat waar
 verwijderd is).
But, my synology and the app are still present in my Homey?

@Hugo so can you replace those cards?

No, they are gone.
The only cards that are left are:

@Hugo can you herstart the app. Most off the time the cards will come back

I already did and restarted my Homey (2023).
But, no luck.
I will try to delete my NAS and the app. And then try again.
But I think it has something to do with the fact that I went from version 6.x.x to 7.x.x with my DSM?

@Hugo shouldnr matter
But please send a diagnostic report

Sorry, already reinstalled app and NAS.
Everything is working again.
Which means a report won’t be helpfull anymore?

But, thanks for the app and the help.

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