[APP][Pro] Synology Surveillance Station 2

Thanks for the app.

I have managed to install the cams and the NAS. I would like to use the motion detection from the (Axis) Camera for my backyard, only when my alarmsystem (Vanderbilt) is fully or parly set, something like this:

when alarmsystem is (partly/fully) set, and synology NAS / Camera detects motion, then make a screenshot and make a pushmessage.

when i choose for the camera in ‘AND’, then i only get the options:
Connected, disconnected
On, OFF.

Is camera (of synology NAS) motion detection not supported?

@boldor no the motion detection is not available in a AND card.

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Hi Martijn, what is the proper use of motion detection?

Hi @boldor
Can you elobarate what you mean?

Hi @martijnpoppen,

you told me motion detection is not available in a AND card.

Is motion detection available in another way with this app?

@boldor sorry I was wrong. If your camera/surveillance station supports motion a motion detection rule will be added and after that alarm_motion will be available in Homey.

This will result in motion trigger cards.

(sorry i didn’t build the app and also don’t use it, so i have to search how it works sometimes :wink: )

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Goedemorgen, ik gebruik deze app een tijdje en ik merkte dat het niet meer mogelijk is om screenshots te maken. Ik had dit in flows ingesteld om bijv bij beweging een screenshot te ontvangen op mijn telefoon. Klopt het dat deze functie verwijderd is of kan ik deze functie terug krijgen?

Zat even terug te lezen… maar de gebruiker die homey gebruikt (ikzelf) is administrator. Dus maakt voor mij geen verschil

@Martin_Boswijk please send a report.

And please keep this thread in English

Same for me, just now noticed this… Tried reinstalling the app, nothing seems to work.

Submitted report @martijnpoppen :

@MiK try to restart your NAS and please check this: [APP][Pro] Synology Surveillance Station 2 - #257 by martijnpoppen

After a reboot it is working again, the Admin setting was already correct. Thanks for the reply!

@MiK nice! :smiley:

I have Some problems with my snapshots.

It’s taking an old one. Is there a problem with the app? it was working fine. But not anymore.

@martijnpoppen is everything still up and running?

@Xa4 restart your NAS that most of the time solves it

Tried that several time, didn’t work.

In my surveillance station I see the right snapshots.

But honey sends old ones to my telegram. (The same every time)

@Xa4 and you also tried a restart of Homey? And also check this [APP][Pro] Synology Surveillance Station 2 - #257 by martijnpoppen

Hi @martijnpoppen, can you please help me? I tried everything (I think) to make it work again; Deinstallation and reinstallation of the Synology Surveillance Station 2 app, restarting Homey and the Synology Diskstation (all with latest versions). When someone rings my doorbell, most of the times Homey shows a older snapshot. Sometimes it works correctly.

@Martin_Tolseinde can you check this [APP][Pro] Synology Surveillance Station 2 - #257 by martijnpoppen

@martijnpoppen Yes I’ve checked this already and the privileged profile was already Administrator. But now I made a change in DSM ‘Users’:

I hope that’s the bug. I’ve tested it now (once) and it works.

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@martijnpoppen Hi, unfortunately it doesn’t work anymore. After the restart it works, but after a while it will stop sending the latest snapshot.
