[APP][Pro] Support for ONVIF compatible cameras (Release 2.0.48, Test 2.0.51)

Hi Ben,
Thanks for letting me know about the Hikvision cameras.
With the EBell, do you get the ‘Socket hang up’ without the motion detection enabled?
I am currently investigating an issue with a Foscam camera that I belive shows the same error when motion is enabled because it is refusing the pull point connection as it is unauthorised. Just wondering if it could be the same issue.

Hi Adrian,
I will trie to explain with the screenshots. First Screenshot i install the camera. Second screenshot you the ip adres of the doorbell and third screenshot when i fill in the username and password i got the message Socket hang up without the motion detection enabled.

Thanks for the details. If you are using the test version could you enable the logging in the application configuration screen and try again then send me the text from the log?
If you are not using the test version could you try that.

you mean v0.0.2?

No, the test version is 0.0.6.

It has a few bug fixes plus the diagnostics log page.

Hi Adrian,

Did you received the log?

I got the manual logs from the “Create Diagnostics Report” but sadly they don’t contain any information apart from the app version. This is all I get from those:

Note: this log has been manually submitted by a user.
Log ID: 12990d25-572c-4caf-9cbe-553c9ce8730c

User Message:
Hi Adrian

---- stdout ----
2020-04-22 10:18:19 [log] [MyApp] MyApp is running…
2020-04-22 10:18:19 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [camera] CameraDriver has been inited
2020-04-22 10:19:15 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [camera] [0] CameraDevice has been inited
2020-04-22 10:20:47 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [camera] [1] CameraDevice has been inited

---- stderr ----

So what I need is the information from my log page as described above.
Thanks for your help tracking this down.

i will glad to help you but i didn’t to know how i do this

I have submitted the test version (0.0.6) for release, as it is proving more stable than the first version, so that should be available as soon as Athom approve it.
I will then make another version available for test which has a couple of major changes to the library. Hopefully these changes should make it more reliable but could also break it :thinking: so I don’t want to overwrite 0.0.6.
I would like to thank everyone for their patients and support in these early days and assure you I working on this project to support as many cameras as possible.

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The instructions are above ([APP][Pro] Support for ONVIF compatible cameras (Release 2.0.41) - #19 by Adrian_Rockall)

App Started* ------ Event detected ------

  • {
    “topic”: {
    “_”: “tns1:Monitoring/ProcessorUsage”,
    ": { "Dialect": "http://www.onvif.org/ver10/tev/topicExpression/ConcreteSet" } }, "message": { "message": { "”: {
    “UtcTime”: “2020-04-22T10:33:41.000Z”,
    “PropertyOperation”: “Changed”
    “source”: {
    “simpleItem”: {
    ": { "Name": "Token", "Value": "Processor_Usage" } } }, "data": { "simpleItem": { "”: {
    “Name”: “Value”,
    “Value”: 60
  • “Monitoring/ProcessorUsage”
  • Event Value = 60
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Reply from
  • Discovered: [
    “name”: “”,
    “data”: {
    “id”: “”,
    “port”: 80
    “settings”: {
    “username”: “”,
    “password”: “”
    “name”: “”,
    “data”: {
    “id”: “”,
    “port”: 80
    “settings”: {
    “username”: “”,
    “password”: “”
    “name”: “”,
    “data”: {
    “id”: “”,
    “port”: “5000”
    “settings”: {
    “username”: “”,
    “password”: “”
  • Testing connection credentials

  • Connect to Camera
  • Connection Failed for Port: 5000 Username: admin
  • Failed: {
    “code”: “ECONNRESET”
  • ------ Event detected ------
  • {
    “topic”: {
    “_”: “tns1:Monitoring/ProcessorUsage”,
    ": { "Dialect": "http://www.onvif.org/ver10/tev/topicExpression/ConcreteSet" } }, "message": { "message": { "”: {
    “UtcTime”: “2020-04-22T10:34:42.000Z”,
    “PropertyOperation”: “Changed”
    “source”: {
    “simpleItem”: {
    ": { "Name": "Token", "Value": "Processor_Usage" } } }, "data": { "simpleItem": { "”: {
    “Name”: “Value”,
    “Value”: 25
  • “Monitoring/ProcessorUsage”
  • Event Value = 25
1 Like

This means the camera closed the connection for some reason. It could be it doesn’t like the user name / password combination, or the request that was sent is not supported.
I will investigate further to find out if this camera supports the full ONVIF protocol. Hopefully the next version will log more details from the communications, which is what I am working on now.

The first time I installed your app V 0.0.2 and tried to installed the cameras, your app did not recognize any ip addresses from the cameras. Even my Hikvisions or Ebell doorbel. After that I installed the test app v 0.0.6, your app saw all the ip addresses of the cameras my hikvisions cameras and my Ebell doorbell. As you know I installed my Hikvisions cameras and they worked fine and let me see the following screenshots

except (you know)my Ebell doorbell. Then you asked me to create a log. I have overwrite the app V.0.02 over V.0.06 (not deleted but i overwrite it) I went back to the installed hikvison cameras and get the following message (see screenshot) and have four screens

This screen has not been added to the other 3 screenshots

Does that mean you are back on 0.0.2?
If you are then install 0.0.6 and hopefully the features should come back.

Not anymore. I deleted the app v.0.0.2 and install V.0.0.6 again. Everything workings normal but i didn’t have the screen with motion event.

Do you see the NOW image (drop down list when you touch on MOTION EVENT)?
Do you see the motion alarm indicate when motion is detected?

Hi Adrian,

So i told i don’t have the motion event screen only the other three one.

Sorry Ben I am being a bit slow today. So are you saying you don’t see the picture you posted just above anymore (it was there but now it’s gone)?

Hi Adrian,

No problem. Yes, i don’t see the picture or screen with motion event not anymore. On this moment the hikvision camera’s are installed in Homey. When i go back to V.0.0.2 and overwrite the app V.0.0.6 and i didn’t not delete the camera’s in Homey and i go back to the camera’s in Homey and then he shows me the screen with motion event with the red error.

I will try to explain with the screenshots. When i installed V.0.0.6 and everything works perfect i have this screen’s

When i go back to V.0.0.2 without to delete the camera’s i have 4 screens