[APP][Pro] Support for ONVIF compatible cameras (Release 2.0.41)

To follow up on this - managed to get the motion snapshot functionality working by using additionally the Hikvision app ([App] Hikvision).

In addition to ONVIF (per above post) to enable “Notify Surveillance Center” option for the motion events in DVR settings. For my DVR the option is available under Configuration->Event->Basic Event->Linkage Method. Once enabled, the Hikvision app will capture these events from DVR, and then they may be used as triggers for motion snapshot updates.

As my cameras are analog (TVI) ones I cannot add them to Homey directly and need to use both Hikvision and ONVIF Camera apps to capture events and snapshot images from DVR. This does not work 100% perfect as you need to play with timings to get a meaningful picture after motion event occurs, but on the upside you may use other event alerts (line crossing, intrusion etc.) available from DVR to trigger snapshots.

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Hi, I just got a Reolink RLC-520, it works fine w/ the Reolink app but w/ the ONVIF it doesn’t detect motion anymore. Anymore means I got a pic under Motion from yesterday but I don’t get any new ones.

Is there a particular setting I overlooked or changed w/out realizing it.


Update: I did update the firmware y’day
2nd Update: did a restart and set the Motion detection method back to default, now it seems to work


I’ve got some difficulties to log to my camera bullet because I don’t know which onvif service port to put.
I have tried 80 and 8000 and 8080 but i still have an answer : Connect Econnrefused…

If you know what is the onvif service port or if you know a tool that could scan my port, thanks in advance for your help.

I think the problem is the user name. This should be a local camera account name, probably admin or Admin.

Thanks for your quick reply.
It means “admin” without any password ? (err: could not find pair session)
or do you think that there is a “standard” local admin login with a “standard” password ?
I have tried with both admin but without password and without service port but I’m not able to log in

Eurêka !
the password is on the sticker of the camera (found with some other posts for HA) .
=> for Imou users

Don’t use your user’s login but
use “admin” instead of your email
and use the safety code putted on the sticker of your camera as password
You will have to complete the IP adress (something like 192.168…)
You don’t have to know the onvif service port (for me, it’s 80)
And you will be able to login :wink:

Excellent, glad you found it.
I was trying to remember how I set that one up but I have too many camera types now :grin:

In theory it should have automatically detected all the other settings if the correct username and password are used when adding the device. The hard part is knowing what they should be and every make is different.

Now, i have to read the 587 posts to know how to be able to see the video in life :joy:
Great app :+1:

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Hello, i have 3 cameras in my hikvision nvr. When i imported them i did see the 3 channels and different tokens.
The problem is that on the cameras i always have the same camera image from channel 1.
So i neee help to figure it out?

Thank you

If you look in the Advanced options of each camera, can you make sure there is a different channel number for each one?

Also could you send me the log from the Configure App screen.

Many thanks for answering.
I sent you the logs from the app.
Yes i do have 3 different channels.
Channel 1 for one cam, channel 2 for cam 2 etc

I’m not getting the log through so I might have an issue with my server that I will look into when I get home.
Could you paste it into a pm?

Done :slight_smile:

Hi Adrian,
I just sent my log. I got 2 chinese cams, but one loses connection about every other day or so. This one is Wifi connected.
It is the one with IP …41

When I open the CamHi app, it connects to the cam and I can view live footage, this has not failed once, so we can rule out wifi issues I guess…

Restarting the onvif app doesn’t always help, rebooting the cam works every time.

So I don’t know if it’s the cam, or the app, or the combi of them.
I’m not in a hurry or anything, so if you can take a look at it at a boring rainy day, I’ll be happy already :wink:

The log is just showing that the camera is not responding to network request (socket hang up).
There could be several causes, such as a network issue or the camera has just stopped replying.
As rebooting the camera fixes it, I would guess there is either an issue with the network registration or the ONVIF stack in the camera is crashing.

Is the camera on a fixed IP or could the IP be changing?

Thanx for the quick response, Adrian.
A crashing Onvif stack sounds like the problem, while the cam is always responding to the CamHi phone app.

The cam gets a reserved IP, both my cams are configured the same way.

Thinking about socket hangups,
I just connected it to my main wifi router instead of the nearby wired AP.
Maybe that makes a difference.

It’s IP is still …41, what it is supposed to be.

Does the camera have a maintenance option to reboot itself once per day?

Good idea, but no :smirk:

Hello !

I have Tapo C310 cameras, added successfully with the app but the motion detection is not reporting in Homey.

What can i try ?


Your can try selecting different motion notification methods in the advanced settings.

If you set the log to Basic Information then try to trigger motion a few times and then send the log I will look at what is being reported.