[APP][Pro] Strava app

Hi @Egbert_Brinks and @Wout_van_den_Dool. Some questions:

  • Did you change to another Homey device (for instance; upgraded to the new Homey Pro)
  • Are you both working on the v1.8.1 version of the App?
  • Did you remove the API application on the Strava website (Log In | Strava) and recreate it as I mentioned in the comments above?

I looked into the diagnostic report @Wout_van_den_Dool sent me. It looks like the Strava homey app cannot remove the webhook on Strava by it’s own. Therefore the recreate of the API application is needed.

Please let me know the results

Hi @ThaYoung1 ,

First off all, thanks for your reaction! Now lets dive in to what i experience:

  • I just bought Homey Pro (2023), never used anything before.
  • I tested the 1.7 version, and also the 1.8.1 version.
  • Last of all, I created the API as you described.

Now on the 1.8.1 version i have no option to configure the strava app on homey, there is just no button to configure. Not on the phone, not on the laptop.
On the 1.7 version i have the configure button but it gives me the Error 404. On the phone i also have the configure option on the 1.7 version but i also get an error. See the screen shots below.

Strava 1.8.1 Version on Homey

Strava 1.7 version on Homey

Strava 1.7 version on my Mobile

Hi @ThaYoung1
Indeed switched to a new HP2023, but this situation was before and after.
I removed the API connect at Strava, but keeps the same situation.

However, I had the change to fill in new details after removing the API in Strava, but when I created a new one, got the same ClientID as the previous API

Hi @Egbert_Brinks,

After installing the Homey Strava App, you will need to add a new device in Homey. You don’t need to go into the ‘app settings’ as you mention.

Can you try and add the new device of type ‘Strava’ in Homey?

You can read the readme on GitHub - ThaYoung1/com.thayoung1.strava


Can you generate a new diagnostic report after you experience the problem on your Homey and let me know the diagnostic report id?

With that I can examine it further.


It works! Wauw, great and i feel so stupid haha!
But thanks for all the help. Maybe in your readme you could add the part that u need to select a ‘new device’ for dummies like myself :wink:

Again, thank u!

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Are you sure you are working on the v1.8.1 of the Homey Strava App? You can find the version number of the app you are using by navigating in the Homey App to ‘More…’, ‘Apps’ and choose the Strava App in the list. The version is shown on that page.

You can find the test version (v1.8.1) in the Athom App store: Strava App voor Homey | Homey.

Reason I am asking is that I receive your diagnostic report on version v1.7.0…

I updated the app yesterday, was updated on mobile, not on dekstop… Did a re-install and these screens are showing:

So another report, now with version 1.8.1 bd39a229-04be-41f5-8558-c9fb0885117a Thanks for looking at this matter!!

Hello again :slight_smile:

My strava is succesfully connected to homey and the flows are allready working.
But now i want to connect the strava profile of my wife but i get the following error.

Is it not possible to connect more users than one ?


Hi Egbert,

Strava updates the user policies every once in a while. Last year they have put the API in single user mode by default. If you want to use it for multiple Strava accounts, you will have to request it on the Strava website. See https://communityhub.strava.com/developers-knowledge-base-14/our-developer-program-3203.

Furthermore: I haven’t tested the App for multiple users but you could try and see if it works after Strava accepts your request.


For the other forum users: the pairing issue is resolved. A new version of the Strava App is being rolled out now.

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Works like a charm, thanks again @ThaYoung1

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Every time I try to set up Strava I always end up getting this when it want to go to the Strava login page

{“message”:“Bad Request”,“errors”:[{“resource”:“Application”,“field”:“redirect_uri”,“code”:“invalid”}]}

Don’t know what i doing wrong.

Problem solved: callbackdomain on Strava API settings was misconfigured.


Got stuck at login while adding user.

Would you be able to help?

This is the Diagnostic Report:

Thank you.

I have the same problem. Is there a solution for adding a Strava user?