[APP][Pro] Spot Prices

I created app for monitoring spot prices for energies.
First release contains only prices for electricity in Czech Republic.

I can add more countries and more energies, but only if JSON is provided for public used from some sources (in this case please provide link, if you wish to add it).

Ahoj Michale,

isn’t it the same as CEPS OTE ?

Hi, it is not same, no way! :slight_smile:

To be honest, I didn’t know this app could do this. I should have done better research.

I tried to prepare a piece of sand for automating the control of the photovoltaic power plant according to spot prices. So hopefully this application was not a waste of time.


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There is also this app with nordpool spot price controls.

Power By The Hour gets all electricity prices in EU directly from ENTSO-E (the European collaboration of TSO’s). So in fact PBTH already supported Czech Republic spot prices. But off course you could add specific functions to your app for Czech users that PBTH doesnt have. Community apps are always welcome!

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Hi, that was an attempt at a joke :slight_smile:

I admire your work, you make great apps.

I notice strange thing, prices from your app are different than from my app (0:00-1:00 today).
I used https://www.ote-cr.cz which was suggested by seller of spot electricity in Czech Republic.
Difference is not small at all :confused:


Even my great apps have bugs :sweat_smile:
That bug is solved in the new test version. Unfortunately it is replaced by another more severe bug I am working on now :confounded:

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I refuse to believe that :slight_smile:
Btw, my source has also bug :confused:

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