CZ Spot prices
Get your CZ electricity spot prices and price indexes with distribution fees directly from Homey.
This app uses the free API of and also has a backup “API” that scrapes data from the OTE-CR website. This backup API only triggers when the main API is not available.
Useful links
- Install this app on your Homey
- Add the Spot Prices device to your Homey
- Automate your home using spot prices or price indexes
Current features:
- Retrieve daily prices from API
- Set specific hours for low/high tariffs
- Set prices for distribution fees in low/high tariffs
- Calculate price indexes for prices with added distribution fees
- Find lowest/highest price for X hours within this day
- Show prices in MWh or kWh
- Interactive Widgets for price monitoring:
- Current Hour Price Widget - shows current price, next hour price, and daily average
- Today Spot Price Graph Widget - displays interactive price chart with color-coded tariffs and price levels
- Automatic tariff change detection
- Automatic switching between primary and backup API
- Complete Flow cards for automation:
- Triggers for price changes
- Triggers for tariff changes
- Triggers for lowest/highest average prices
- Conditions for current price index
- Conditions for price ranges
- Conditions for tariffs
- API failure notifications support
- Debug logging for easier diagnostics
- Robust caching system for performance optimization
- Automatic data recovery after failures
Same as live
Supported Languages:
- English
If you appreciate this app, consider supporting future development.
This app enables controling your devices based on current electricity price or index.