Electricity pricing API

Is there any developers out there who would find it interesting to develop an integration for Homey of the TrueEnergy app, wich would make it possible to create flows dependent on Energy prices in real time.

Please use this dedicated topic for requests:

Also the apps ‘Power by the Hour’ and ‘Flow Utilities’ might interest you.

If you need only the control based on electric energy price, there is also a possibility use Heating Controller App for Homey | Homey

The app name is heating controller, but one can control any device (including car charging) based on the electric energy price changes.

Actually Denmark electric energy pricing is not included in the app I suggested, so might not work with you.

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Here are the supported price areas, for v. 1.5.11:

  • Austria: AT
  • Belgium: BE
  • Denmark: DK1, DK2
  • Estonia: EE
  • Finland: FI
  • France: FR
  • Germany and Luxembourg: DE-LU
  • Latvia: LV
  • Lithuania: LT
  • Netherlands: NL
  • Norway: Oslo, Kr.sand, Bergen, Molde, Tr.heim, Tromsø
  • Sweden: SE1, SE2, SE3, SE4

Power By the Hour now supports Day-Ahead 1 hour electricity pricing for all providers in EU.

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Where to find open API for dynamic prices?