[APP][Pro] Roborock Cloud - Intelligent robot vacuum cleaners

Thank you for that hint! Got everything set up and updated, will report back if that works!

THANK YOU for making this Homey App happen, I have been waiting for this forever. I therefore also went ahead and paid you some beers (or whatever else you like).

in fact, I looked on advanced settings of the device you have added but I couldnā€™t find any rooms.

Hi, I did a test again just now with version 0.8.0 and the empty tank alarm still doesnā€™t work, however the ā€œis cleaningā€ status is updated instantly.

Hello all,

For those who submitted a donation, thank you, Iā€™m glad you all like the app :slight_smile:

If the room list is empty, the app is unable to detect the rooms properly.
Could you restart the app, and after that submit me a diagnostics report? Iā€™ll look into it then.

Good to hear, and not good to hear :slight_smile:
Iā€™ve created issue #29 to look into the empty tank alarm issue.

Kind regards,


I just created a diagnostic report Ā« db5b67b6-9825-4825-9252-fcbb63154b81 Ā». I restarted the app first. THANKS


The app correctly detects the rooms in your case, sadly speaking Homey doesnā€™t accept the value in the settings, probably because you have a Homey Pro 2019 (or ealier).

I see this in the logfiles:

failed to set setting rooms to value entrƩe, cuisine, salle Ơ manger, salon, chambre, sdb, toilettes due Error: invalid_setting_type

So these room names can be used & are properly detected.

It works well with the rooms indicated. THANKS

Kenny! Just wanna confirm that the status update seems to work fine now. Great work Kenny :pray::grinning:

Thanks for a great app! I have two S5 Max and one Qrevo S, all working perfectly on 0.8.0.

Hey guys,

Iā€™ve just released v0.9.0 to test.

This version includes the following changes:

  • Added UI actions for pausing & resuming cleaning.
  • Added flow cards for pausing & resuming cleaning.
  • Modified the load map flow card to use auto complete for the map names (BREAKING CHANGE)
  • Added new flow cards which support autocomplete for room cleaning. You have to pick the right number of rooms before you add the card, supported number of rooms: 1 to 5.

Feedback on this approach is welcome, Iā€™m not fully happy with it, and it might be that I deprecate these cards also again in the futureā€¦



You, my friend, are a machine.

Getting better and better!

Is it possible to get a if flow card that detect change of map? I am use the charging state to check and set a parameter now with the current map.

@KennyMoens thanks for a great app! Finally a working solution!
Two minor UI ā€œthingsā€, the cleaning time is perhaps a bit to accurate (se screenshot) and the list of maps does not handle Swedish characters very well.


First off all thanks for the integration :wink:

Second question though, any ideas how to login when I used Google sso (login with Google) initially in the roborock app?

I guess the only way for me is to resetup my vacuums under different account?

Hello guys,

If you donā€™t mind that it isnā€™t instant (i.e. it depends on the update interval), that should be possible.
Issue #31 is created for this.

Iā€™ve created issue #32 for the rounding of cleaning time / cleaning area.

Additionally it appears some URL encoding issues appear with the map names, Iā€™ve created issue #33 for this.

I donā€™t really have a clue, the API only allows me to ensure a username / password. It does not support federation providers such as Google as far as I figure out.

Kind regards,


Hello everyone,

Is it possible to read specific coordinates with the help of the app? The background is that I want to use a flow to clean only a specific area in a room. I just donā€™t know the easiest way to determine these coordinates.

Can someone help me with this?

Hey guys

I havenā€™t figured out a way yet to automatically read out the present coordinates of the robot. So for now it is not possible.

You should know that the dock is always at x = 25500, y = 25500, and that 1000 equals 1 meter. By trail and error you should be able to determine the position. You can use the card ā€œmove to point x yā€ to help you with this, to see (using the Roborock app or physically) where the robot is.

Currently I donā€™t have a better approach for this, there is issue #23 which is open already to dig into this deeper to determine the actual coordinates.

Iā€™m unable to reproduce the map names error. Could you restart the app, and after that submit a diagnostics report? The logging might help me to find out why it does not work with you properly.

Also, which Homey Pro do you have?

Kind regards,

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Yes, use the ā€œmove to point x yā€ flow card and write some coordinates in. (Loading base is x 25500, y 25500, and each unit is 1 mm). When you activate that card in Homey, you will see in the Roborock app where that point is. Then you just compensate the distance you need, and redo this until you reach the point you want.

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Hi again,

today the flow card for cleaning rooms does not work again. One of the rooms does not show up. I tried the same trick as last time, which was loading the map. But the autocomplete for the load map flow card does not work. No maps show up. If it helps here is a report: 7f525077-6009-4f1d-8a25-66366b530b9d

Markus Vosss

Thanks for this addition, I really like this, much easier to use now and more clear in my flows.