Just wondering if any one has an Ecovac Deebot
I’m creating an app to control your robot vacuum from Homey and am just looking for some people to help test.
Just wondering if any one has an Ecovac Deebot
I’m creating an app to control your robot vacuum from Homey and am just looking for some people to help test.
I also have ecovac vaccum cleaner, hopefully there is an app soon!
Hey, that sounds just great!
I got an Ecovacz Deebot 950.
I would really appreciate that, I have a deebot slim 10 would love to add it to homey
Just curious on if your making progress with the App?
As the new ECOVACS App from the iOS App Store requires online registration…
Hey, sorry while it is on the list of things to create there was not enough interest to warrant the investment of time, at this stage.
Hey Jamie;
Theres definitely no reason for a dev to say sorry at all! I highly appreciate all the effort you guys do all the time as w/o such heroes Homey could not exist!
I’d like to suggest to have dedicated Threads w/ survey function plus kinda fundraiser function; where developers can ask for how many people would want to have an App and ensure quite an amount of money for that beforehand.
@Jamie, Are you still waiting for enough animo/interest? -> add me to the interested people list.
Very interested There is an Alexa app in place.
I want to buy the Deebot Ozmo 950. It the best vacuum in every test. Add me to the interested people list
I have also this vacuum, i will be happy on testing your app
what is the status on this?
Deebot Ozmo 950 on its way. Would be happy to test!
Keep us posted
One more interested deebot ozmo 950 user here!
Deebot ecovacs 920, intéressé pour une application
Deebot ecovacs 920, interested in an application
I have an vacuum cleaner deebot!
Is there any app coming I should really like that!
New ozmo deebot T8 available. It even outperformed the 950! Can someone please make a deebot app for Homey?
Hi I would be interested in this app too. Thanks
Hey Jamie, I was wondering. Are you stil working on an app to control a Deebot robto vacuum? Thank you