As I found the options of @Aybert’s Ecovacs app didn’t fit my needs I decided to see what I could do to extend the app, of course with his consent. This version was mainly developed for my T9+ model, but it will very likely work well with other models too, since it runs on the same great libraries that @Aybert runs, that was developed by mrbungle64 (Sascha). A big thanks to both of them!
If people are willing to test this app, please do! Let me know how your model behaves with this app, and if there is anything that I can add to fit your needs.
This actioncard lets your command your Deebot to clean multiple romms at once. If you know your room-id’s you can enter them manually, or you can tick the token symbol to add the rooms you want to clean by there token. Just enter a < in the filter field, and select the (multiple) tokens of your rooms. The old card where you can select a single room from the dropdown menu is still available btw.
Thnx for the app. I have a T9. But how can I get my room ID’s? The filter field is not showing all my rooms like your screenshot so I want to use the ID’s. Can I find them somewhere?
Below are the rooms I get, but I have more rooms in the Ecovacs app. I also don’t know what the single F and B rooms are… (I did not make them)
The diagnostics isn’t holding enough information to resolve this. Please clear the current log, enable the Library Debug logging in the Log settings, and restart the app. Then, after a few minutes, create a diagnostics report again.
Seems you have some zones without a name (in the attic), I guess the app can’t handle that at this moment. I’ll have a look if I can prevent such situations, and publish an update.
Can you confirm this? Does the Ecovacs Mobile app also shows zones without a name? If so can you give them a name (or merge them with another zone/room) and try again?
Oh, and best disable the Library Debug logging again; this option logs monstrous amounts of data
And F.Y.I., these are the zone ID’s for the other floors:
I did have 2 rooms in the attic indeed that had no name or a standard name (bedroom), now it is called ‘Wasmachine’ and ‘slaapkamer’. I can’t merge rooms in the attic (wasmachine / gang are one room and bedroom/kantoor also)… Maybe because it has only run 2 times in attic in total. (New to the ecovacs )
If after restarting the app still not all rooms are listed, please send me an diagnostics report again (first clear, and enable library debugging again). I’ll try and figure out why this happens.
The app is updating flowTokens for all those zones:
[log] 2023-02-25 10:17:20 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:Deebot] [Device:57cbd6ce-ae89-45ef-bb66-fdb8974bf591] --Updating Zone Gang (1e)
[log] 2023-02-25 10:17:20 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:Deebot] [Device:57cbd6ce-ae89-45ef-bb66-fdb8974bf591] --Updating Zone Slaapkamer
[log] 2023-02-25 10:17:20 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:Deebot] [Device:57cbd6ce-ae89-45ef-bb66-fdb8974bf591] --Updating Zone Babykamer
[log] 2023-02-25 10:17:20 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:Deebot] [Device:57cbd6ce-ae89-45ef-bb66-fdb8974bf591] --Updating Zone Kleedkamer
[log] 2023-02-25 10:17:20 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:Deebot] [Device:57cbd6ce-ae89-45ef-bb66-fdb8974bf591] --Updating Zone Wasmachine
[log] 2023-02-25 10:17:21 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:Deebot] [Device:57cbd6ce-ae89-45ef-bb66-fdb8974bf591] --Updating Zone Slaakamer
[log] 2023-02-25 10:17:21 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:Deebot] [Device:57cbd6ce-ae89-45ef-bb66-fdb8974bf591] --Updating Zone Kantoor
[log] 2023-02-25 10:17:21 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:Deebot] [Device:57cbd6ce-ae89-45ef-bb66-fdb8974bf591] --Updating Zone Woonkamer
[log] 2023-02-25 10:17:21 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:Deebot] [Device:57cbd6ce-ae89-45ef-bb66-fdb8974bf591] --Updating Zone Gang
[log] 2023-02-25 10:17:21 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:Deebot] [Device:57cbd6ce-ae89-45ef-bb66-fdb8974bf591] --Updating Zone Gang (z)
[log] 2023-02-25 10:17:21 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:Deebot] [Device:57cbd6ce-ae89-45ef-bb66-fdb8974bf591] --Updating Zone Buiten
[log] 2023-02-25 10:17:21 [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:Deebot] [Device:57cbd6ce-ae89-45ef-bb66-fdb8974bf591] --Updating Zone Keuken
Question is, do you not see a flowToken for all 12 zones, or do you have more than 12 zones?
And, is the “Clean zone” (not the “Clean zones…” / “Maak meerdere kamers schoon”) showing the correct zones, or is that also missing zones?
I’ve fiddled a lot with the Ecovacs maps (merging and dividing rooms) and by doing that my mssid’s are all unique. In your specific case you don’t see “Gang (1e)” and “Gang (z)” because they have mssid 0, the same as the “Woonkamer” does.
I use the mssid’s in the autocomplete and flowTokens, and since their values must be unique you are presented with only one zone per unique mssid.
I’ll try and find a solution for this this weekend, it shouldn’t be that difficult. I’ll let you know when I publish a new test version.
If you want a solution before that time, you can divide and merge a room (it then gets a new mssid) until every room has a unique ID. But that is somewhat cumbersome
A that make sense. No rush, luckily I can just start the Ecovacs with the app ,.
Just tested it also with the ID’s. And then it is working correctly (for the ground floor). So the only problem is indeed that I don’t see the rooms in the action cards to select.
Hmm i see more rooms now, all rooms of the ground floor and attic. But I miss the rooms of the second floor. I made a report: fe1d77ed-8c63-41a2-96cf-9a09ec52b3d5
Seems like the Ecovacs-Deebot.js library is at fault here. I contacted the developers hoping confimation and/or a solution. As far as I can see though there is a good chance that restarting the app might solve the problem.
As soon as I know more I’ll let you know. Please let me know if restarting the app gives the same result.
Please try the new 1.3.4 (test-) version < Ecovacs Deebot > | Homey . A new version of the Ecovacs-Deebot.js library was implemented (thank you mrbungle64) that may solve the problem.