[APP][Pro] Roborock Cloud - Intelligent robot vacuum cleaners

Hello guys,

This topic can be used for support questions, feature suggestions and bug reports related to the Roborock App for Homey which makes use of the Roborock API directly.

This app does NOT require you to obtain a token at all! Your Roborock credentials are sufficient!

The app itself can be found in the Homey store on the following locations:

There is only one generic robot vacuum provided by the app. The app tries to detect the capabilities of your vacuum automatically and offer you the capabilities for your devices.

This might not work perfectly yet, if you face issues, feel free to report, we’ll see what we can do.

I’ve developed this app in a full open-source mindset, the source code is available under a GPL-license, meaning that everyone is allowed to use it provided that they release their source code under a GPL-compliant license. You can find the source code of the application in my GitLab repository at:

Any issues which are found in the app, or features which I’m still considering to be adopted, can be found in the GitLab issue tracker at:

Anyone is free to contribute towards the app, you can simply fork the repository on GitLab and create a merge request with your changes, I’ll review them and most likely include them as part of the app.

If you want to contribute towards translations, feel free to submit your translations and/or corrections into the Crowdin translation project:

If you want, you can buy me a beer, or send me a donation using:

I really hope you enjoy the app, and any feedback is always welcome! I try to respond to all requests as soon as possible, but be aware that I have a regular job too, which might imply that sometimes it takes a bit longer then on other times.

Kind regards,


Currently supported features inside the app:

  • Starting a full clean
  • Starting to clean one or more rooms
  • Stop a clean
  • Return to docking
  • Tuning basic parameters (suction power, water flow and mop route)
  • Statistics about battery and cleaning
  • Triggering empty of the dock
  • Triggering washing of the mop

Looking forward to this. WIll it also support the S8 Maxv Ultra?


I did not test it, since I only own an S7 Max and Q7, but I’m pretty confident that it will support it.

Kind regards,

1 Like

possible to join your test now by manually installing the app via command line?

Hello guys,

Received a first feedback from Homey today. They acknowledge that the app would be value for the community, but that I needed to change the name to avoid confusion with the existing Roborock app.

I’ve done this and resubmitted the app, pending review now.

For those interested, the GitLab repository is public now. Please be aware that you will need a bit of development skills to get it up-and-running that way, refer to the README.md for instructions on building & running the app.

If you test it right now, be aware that there is only limited support. We need to gradually expand with more functionality.

Be aware that the sending of custom commands (directly to the API) is supported, and this will be quite powerful to be able to control all devices, but you’ll need to figure out the right commands to send then. In the README.md there are some references to documentation pages I’ve used.

Lastly, for now, the integration ONLY works if you are internet connected. I did not implement the local API yet to directly interface with the robot, this is planned for later. I first want to expand on the features.

Contributions are welcome, be it as merge requests, feature suggestions, help in translations, or simply buying me a beer using a donation.

Kind regards,


should the npm command be run from the folder where I put the source files?

Yes. The folder where the package.json resides.

I get this when trying

Hmmm - did you do a proper checkout from the Git repository?
Because the .jsontemplates directory exists in GitLab…

my bad. folders and files with a “.” infant is by default hidden in macOS, so I did not copy them. Fixed now :slight_smile: Will try install to my homey when I get home :slight_smile:

Will you be able to provide the camera functions from s7 maxV into homey?


I would suggest that we first start with basic support. If everything of that works fine, we can look at camera functions, but in that case we’ll have to see how we can do this in Homey, since Homey’s functionalities are also limited there.

E.g. I have some security camera’s around the house and besides some snapshots I cannot extract a lot from it.

Kind regards,


@KennyMoens I am looking forward to trying your APP. Thanks for working on it.

I have two roborocks and they start when we leave home. One feature I always wanted was the ability to randomize or specify what to clean based on some rules. I find they clean the same rooms over and over and sometimes don’t get to some rooms, depending on how long we are away.

Something to think about.

Great, thanks so much for working on this!


You’re a rock star! Thank you so much for this well needed app and your precious time!

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Oooh, interesting! I just got my own solution in place a few days ago using a locally hosted web service, that I can trigger via Homey flows REST requests, which in turn connects to the Roborock via MQTT and forwards any commands to the vac… Works flawlessly, if a bit convoluted.

I built my solution using the python-roborock library, which was mainly developed for HA, and seeing I have 0% experience in js development I figured this was as good as it was going to get.

Less than a week later you show up in my life, stomping on my creation. And I love you for it. Looking forward to getting to test the app!

The app is now live :slight_smile: .
Any feedback is welcome.


Net mijn Q8 Max probleemloos geĂŻnstalleerd. Bedankt!

Bonjour, ça m’affiche cela lorsque je rentre mes identifiants…
Pour information j’ai un robock S50 et un S7 pro ultra et les 2 sont connectés via l’application mi home, est-ce qu’il faudrait qu’ils soient connectés via l’app roborock ?
Sachant que le S50 ne peut être connecté que via Mi Home.
