If you use the card ”move to point x y” you can see in the roborock official phone app where that point is, then just change the millimeter number until you get to the x y point you want to have as a corner
Good morning everyone,
A short update on the next steps:
- The next update, v0.7.0, will introduce a name change in the app. Nothing to worry about, but the Homey review team asked me to change the name of the app into Roborock Cloud. So don’t be worried if you suddenly see another name
- The next few versions I won’t add new functionality. This is because of the following reasons:
- I will invest in automated testing, this should improve the overal stability if more features get added to the app.
- I will do a bit of refactoring in the communication protocol towards Roborock.
- Obviously bug reports will still be fixed in the mean time, I do consider that important to provide you fixes as fast as possible.
Based on your description, it appears that the finished cleaning action cards are not working properly. I’ve just triggered a flow with me to see if I can reproduce this. In any case, I’ve created issue #25 to resolve this.
Sure! I can easily add actions cards for pausing and resuming cleaning, I’ll also add UI-actions for it sicne that might be useful too. I’ve added it to the backlog as issue #24.
The autocomplete option for the rooms is not present anymore. I have developed it, but disabled it again for these reasons:
- Somehow Homey limits the length of the field if an autocomplete is used, which would imply that you only could add 4-5 rooms depending on the length of your room names.
- The change would be a breaking change, since it would break all your flows.
- The useability was not like I wanted, it was clumbersome to be used.
I’m still looking into better solutions to be able to provide the room names inside the flow.
I’m glad that in the end it worked with you to get the room names correct, but as you saw when running it locally if Roborock does not provide me the necessary information, I’m unable to expose the room names obviously .
I haven’t figured out a way yet on how I can detect in which room the robot is. I’ve created an issue in the backlog to do some further investigation, and if possible create trigger flow cards for it. This is recorded as issue #22 in the backlog.
Sadly I haven’t figured out a way yet to detect where the robot current is, coordinate-wise. I don’t know if I can even figure this out. At least it is not documented or included in any of the other apps I found that use the same API. Nevertheless, I added issue #23 in the backlog for this.
Another day, another bit of test results. Unfortunately the status not updating came back. I kicked off a manual clean through the Roborock app directly. It never updated the status in the Homey app until I restarted it. Now status updates are flowing again.
I’ve created a diagnostics reports about 5-10 minutes after initiating the cleanup through the Roborock app and before I restarted the Homey app. Hope it contains something useful!
@KennyMoens - I am also experiencing status not being updated in the Homey device/app. Actions can be sent to the robot (S8 Pro Ultra) via Homey flows, and are received and acted on, but the status is stuck at “docked, 100% battery, tank not empty, bin not full…” throughout the entire cleaning run.
HP 2023 @ appver 0.6.0.
Diagnostics: f8277218-82f4-4945-8e81-c248f810b7ad
@Hannes85 @Fishflu
Thanks for the update… I noticed in the ioBroker Roborock integration does a full reconnect every 3 hours… maybe I have to go that route too.
They are doing a classic “reboot” to fix the unknown but reoccurring issue, I love it!
If it works for them, lets hope it does for you as well
I am trying to find
Hi @KennyMoens yes indeed it’s the same for me, this morning after launching the cleaning flow, the status did not update either
I also noticed that the empty water tank alarm is not going off either, I don’t know if I’m the only one affected or not…
Hi again Kenny… it have stopped working again
This might be a very stupid question, but i have dowloaded the new roborock app having used the xiaomi token one before, but when i try to add my Q7 Max i am just met with this! Help😅
Because you’re using the wrong app
Hello guys,
I’ve pushed v0.7.0 towards test. This version does an automatic reconnect of the API every hour. This is a simple reconnect, and my next attempt at fixing the synchronisation issues, similar to what ioBroker Roborock does every hour.
A next step will be - what I also saw in ioBroker Roborock - to do a full login/reconnect sequence every 3 hours.
Depending on the feedback from you I’ll decide later if I’ll submit this one for review already or not. I want to get the synchronisation issues cleared out before going to another publication towards stable.
The alarm not going off, did that occur after the synchronisation was not working either? Because then it might be related. If not, it is probably a separate issue to dig into.
As already said by @Hannes85 , that screen is not from this app, it is from the other Roborock app that requires the token. Please ensure that you use the right app.
Kind regards,
I have been using this python library for a while with Homey via NodeRed. I was very excited when i discovered this new app today.
I saw some posts around this topic and thought I could share my knowledge here. To set the cleaning modes on the Roborock QREVO these commands work. Also, it seems like the Roborock always defaults back to Smart Plan when it docks, so I have to send that before every clean up cycle, then wait 3 seconds before starting the cleaning, otherwise it was always starting with the smart plan.
Vacuum: roborock -d command --device_id XXXXXXXXXXX --cmd set_water_box_custom_mode --params '[200]'
Vac & Mob: roborock -d command --device_id XXXXXXXXXXX --cmd set_water_box_custom_mode --params '[201]'
Custom: roborock -d command --device_id XXXXXXXXXXX --cmd set_water_box_custom_mode --params '[204]'
Will get this setup tonight, excited
Edit 1:
Gave this a quick try and this works, you can see the mode change directly in the Roborock App:
Edit 2:
After reading through the whole thread, I went back and checked what exactly I was doing in NodeRed. I was only switching in between “Vacuum” and “Vac & Mob” which works reliably. When you go back to “Smart Plan” sending the commands to switch back to “Vacuum” and “Vac & Mob” does not work. I’ll do some testing tonight trying to figure this out.
Hi Kenny, the version 0.70 also seems to have fixed the issue 25 (finished cleaning card not functioning). Thanks for your excellent work with this app!
Hi guys,
v0.8.0 is published to test now. It includes another bugfix, the cleaning mode did not properly react upon room cleaning. Additionally I’ve added insights for cleaning, emptying the dustbin and washing the mode.
This version is also submitted to the stable channel, should be added there after the review process completes.
There is a flow for set_water_box_custom_mode too. In the Dutch version:
- uit (or off) corresponds to the value of 200.
- “mild” corresponds to the value of 201.
I am on version v.0.8 but I can’t visualize the rooms. we should find this information in the advanced settings of the application in the parts « rooms » ?
Do you mean your room names? That is in the advanced settings of the device you have added, not in the advanced settings of the app.
Top it will work.