[APP][Pro] Roborock Cloud - Intelligent robot vacuum cleaners

Hello guys,

v0.11.0 is now available for testing.


  • The autocomplete from map names and room names was not properly working. This should fix the problem of @markusv too.
  • Rounding of the clean area and clean time.

New Features:

  • Expanded the room and zone cleaning trigger flow cards with the optional argument to specify the number of times to clean. If not specified, it defaults to 1.
  • Added a new trigger flow card to detect that a map was loaded.

Kind regards,


Hi, the problem remains (running version 0.9.0)I just submitted a report : 8413dccf-9834-40f6-a599-266ad70258f5
Iā€™m using a Homey Pro Early 2018

Change of map name is confirmed working and instant feedback. Great work!

Hey @Jorgen_Gothefors,

One of your issues is resolved in v0.11.0 (not yet in stable channel), the other issue (map names) is not yet fixed. It is pending for a next release.

Kind regards,

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Thank you for your work. This app is great when it works. Currently I have an issue (probably the same as some others here), that it stops working and updating data after some time (usually a day or two). It looks like, if I restart the Roborock Cloud app, it is able to do a request successfully, but only a few (maybe only one) and then it gets to the same (broken) state as before.

Here is my report: 58439395-c427-4f62-9e21-1e01859f5461

Hope it helps.

Kind regards

Hey @hubo

It seems you have another issue. It always complains that the client is already disconnecting.

You donā€™t have by accident another integration running? Like e.g. Home assistant or iobroker?

Kind regards

I have only Homey Pro (and have no clue what is iobroker)ā€¦ Any idea how can I help to solve this?

Hey guys,

Iā€™ve pushed v0.12.0 to test, and this will become the next stable version too.

Changes included:

  • Bugfix for the map names, as reported here in the forum
  • Add UI sensors for mop attached, water box attached and mop drying (flow cards coming later, if useful)
  • Mark the device as available / unavailable if the connection is lost. This should give use better visibility for people who still face connection errors.
  • Replaced a number of icons for visibility.

I was looking into your diagnostics report closer, could you describe me what you did before the report?

It looks to me that in a matter of +/- 3 minutes the app was restarted 3 times. Is that correct?

It also appears to me that the intial data comes in, and after that you get disconnected by the Roborock API. The app attempts a reconnect, but that fails because it is disconnecting according to the Roborock APIā€¦

Could you check with v0.12.0 that it marks it as unavailable directly then? Or at least from at the moment it becomes unresponsible.

Additionally, in your case it does not get resolved by restarted the app?

In that case, I noticed something in the iobroker app, where they do a full relogin sequence after some time. Iā€™m uncertain if this would help in this case, but it is worth a try to add this to the app to do a full relogin after some time (e.g. 1 day).

Kind regards,

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I get timed out after 1000ms, unless I restart the app. Then it will work for some hours.

Diagnostic: cfe24017-ace6-44cf-ae8b-a00bd5d6ac14

Iā€™m running v0.11.0.

Will try the v0.12.0 now.

I have set the vacuum cleaner to start when I leave my home, so I am not aware when exactly stops working. However, when I noticed it, I have tried to restart and call the Empty bin command to find out if it is working again. Suddenly it is not.

I am using Homey Pro with your app and the original Roborock app only to control the robot. I donā€™t understand why I would need to do re-loging more than others, but maybe as I use the Roborock app, it will invalidate the authorization for your appā€¦

I will uninstall your app now and do the clean install once again.

After update to V0.12.0 i can no longer reach the vacuum. Its bricked. Restart the app did not help.

Diagnostic: c964f34b-baf5-43cf-aa57-9a191e4f73e2

Hey guys,

Iā€™m not saying that you guys have to relogin :slight_smile:

The app logs you in intially when pairing the device, and then uses a cached token. I get the impression that the tokens somehow expire and that I have to trigger the initial auth flow to ensure that the tokens remain valid.

I get also from the diagnostics report of @Thomas_Reiten that the connection somehow does not get through.

Iā€™ll see if I can do something to ensure that we refresh those tokens more regularly. For now I get the impression that two users are effected by this (i.e. @Thomas_Reiten and @hubo). If others are impacted, please let me know.

Kind regards,

I understood that I donā€™t have to relog. What I meant is that I donā€™t understand why the same issue is not affecting everyone.

Maybe you may add a button to the settings screen to manually trigger the token refresh, so I can try if it will help in my case.

BTW I would like to see the vacuum cleaner device as turned off when it is not currently cleaning and as turned on only while actively cleaning.

Hello guys,

I might have an alternative for you with the Google authentication. There is an alternative login flow with codes which are send by email. I didnā€™t test it, neither implemented it yet.

Iā€™ve created issue #38 to follow this up.

Iā€™ll see tonight if I can implement the refresh of the tokens by means of the repair action of Homey. This way you will be able to right-click the device (on the web) and click repair. Youā€™ll have to re-enter your credentials, and after that it will request new tokens.

An initial attempt in the past to try to do this automatically proofed that it might not be wanted, because each login attempt the Roborock device will notify it, which might lead to spamming you :slight_smile:

What I also notice, which might influence the issue, is that both @hubo and @Thomas_Reiten, are allocated on the mqtt-eu-2.roborock.com server, while Iā€™m allocated on the mqtt-eu-4.roborock.com maybe somehow this influences it alsoā€¦ It gives me more reason to pick up issue #17, which implies using the local connection in your network instead of using the Roborock online servers.

Iā€™ve also created issue #39 to follow up on the highlighting of the card when it is cleaning or not.

Kind regards,


Hello guys,

v0.13.0 has been published to test.

This version should be considered experimental, I didnā€™t had the change yet to test it fully myself, so it might be unstable.

What is changed? Well, Iā€™ve added the implementation of the Local API, i.e. to be able to access the device directly from inside your network, without the Cloud API.

How does this work?

  • Your device still needs to be registered with the Roborock App.
  • You still need to enter your credentials to authenticate towards Roborock.
  • Some features still require the app to reach out to the Roborock Cloud (e.g. Room Names, Map Info).
  • If a device is configured for local API, it will first attempt to connect to the device directly for all other commands. In the event that fails, the app will fallback to the cloud api.

How can I configure my robot for Local API?

  • The best is to give your robot a static IP address in your router.
  • Once you have the IP address of your robot, open the settings of the robot in Homey and enter the IP address, hit save, and it should start using the local API.
  • There is no auto-discovery yet, I will investigate this for a future version.

I really hope this will improve on the stability of the connections too!



Have updated and typed in static IP. Will give feedback :+1:

Hello again Kenny.

Did try to start the cleaning from the Roborock app
Then your homey app did not update the status. I did a restart of your app and it was updating. Was this a temporary problem or was it something about the connection again, diagnostic report coming 4d83b6e0-9dea-4f4f-b41d-3609fae46b1b

I am still on 0.9.0, I am little afraid to update because everything have worked perfect the last days :slight_smile:

Hi @KennyMoens

Just wondering what I need to to in order to clean individual rooms. Got Homey Pro 2023 but when I am setting up an advanced flow for cleaning a room, I get the error code: ā€œroom.toLowerCase is not a functionā€. I can clean all rooms with no problem at all.

Thanks /HĆ„kan

Hey @Hakan_Blumenthal

Thatā€™s a bug in the v0. 9.0, it should be fixed in the test version.

Kind regards

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Great news! Thanks for the reply!