[APP][Pro] Roborock Cloud - Intelligent robot vacuum cleaners

Great application. Just testing the cleaning specific room with this new test version and it worked like a charm.
Well done,and thank you very much for this great app.
Donate guys :wink:

V0.13.0 with local IP has been working with no problems the last days. Superb work! :raised_hands:

Hello guys,

Iā€™ve pushed v0.13.0 to stable now.

Kind regards,

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@KennyMoens first of all thanks for the great app!
The only thing is with all the room cleaning flows, there is no option to choose between vacuuming and mopping. Theyā€™re all called cleaning (poets in Dutch). Since my Qrevo S kan do both (at the same time) itā€™s every time a surprise when I start a cleaning (poets kamer ā€¦) flow if it starts to vacuum or mop (in combination with vacuuming). Would be great if there would be a clear difference between vacuuming and mopping because I want to vacuum more often then mopping.
Or am I missing something?

@KennyMoens Hi, Iā€™m getting back to you because I still have the problem of the empty water tank information not coming back. I donā€™t know if you worked on it or not?

Hey guys,

You can do that perfectly already now, maybe not the most user-friendly, i.e. youā€™ll have to create two flow cards.

The first flow card would be the one to configure the scrub intensity. Set it to ā€œoffā€ to perform vacuum only, set it to any other value to perform mopping too. You should be able to do similar things with setting the suction power.

The second flow card then triggers the cleaning, be aware that you should add a delay of 1 second on that one to get it to work.

Yes it is still on my list, didnā€™t test it yet, but last weekend my robot got stuck and the alarm didnā€™t came through either. So Iā€™ll dig deeper into the alarms, I think it is more then just these two alarms.

Kind regards,


Hi @KennyMoens,
I tried the solution setting the scrub intensity to off value, but it did both (vacuum and mop) :frowning:
By the way I noticed that, within the scrub card, you mentioned ā€œsuction powerā€, thatā€™s normal?


There seems to be an error in the translation strings. In Dutch it is shown correctly, but in English it is shown wrongly.

I donā€™t know which device you are having, and are you sure you put in the delay? Without the delay it will not work.

The following flow works correctly for me to do only vacuum:

You can also try having a flow with only setting the scrub intensity, if you test it, your robot should make a ā€œpingā€ sound if you configured it.

Kind regards,

It seems to be not taken into account for S8 VMax Ultra, no ā€œpingā€ sound, but for the S6 VMax itā€™s ok, a ping is made, and the scrub is off as well.

Ok I think I got it, I need to deselect the ā€œSmartPlanā€, and then it works

Has the issue with the room names and Swedish characters Ƅ,Ƥ,ƶ been reported yet, if not it seems to be an issue in the tab when selecting room, but shows correct on the advanced settings page.

Hey guys,

Iā€™ve been silent for some days with few updates, but that doesnā€™t mean nothing is happening :slight_smile: . Iā€™m currently working on reading out the data from the map to be able to get the current coƶrdinates of the robot.

Iā€™m also considering if it might be possible to ā€˜abuseā€™ the media component of Homey to display the map, but first need to get the map up-and-running.

In the meantime Iā€™ve received some welcome contributions:

  • A Swedish translation by Rick Jensen, which will be part of next release.
  • A fix for the Base URI for authentication towards Roborock by Alexey Krainev, which might fix login issues for some people who are not on the Europe servers of Roborock. This will also be part of the next release.

Alexey also kindly provided me some of his code he developed earlier on to work with the API, Iā€™ll dig deeper in this to improve / enhance the app later on.

It should be resolved, if you still experience it (with v0.14.1), please restart the application and after that submit a diagnostics report so that I can dig deeper into it.

The SmartPlan is something irritating, it was reported already earlier in this topic that controlling it sometimes gives issues. Please feel free to read up.

Sadly I cannot test with the smartplan since my robots donā€™t have this feature. So if anyone some day figures out how to properly control it (e.g. by the raw commands), feel free to report and Iā€™ll implement it.

Kind regards,


After I verified the version of the app v0.14.1 and restarted the app I still see the same issue.

Diagnostic report: 61f9dfd3-e11f-43d5-b038-8dadd0236489

Note, I have my Homey app in English and all room and most device names in Swedish (due to the wife), not sure if that could be the problem?

Hey @KungWaz ,

No that doesnā€™t matter. The problem you see is related to encoding, it is not properly decoded.

Kind regards,

Hey guys,

Iā€™ve just pushed v0.15.0 towards test.

It contains:

  • Swedish translation
  • A fix for users not on the EU servers
  • A fix for the map names with Swedish characters.

In the meantime, Iā€™m making progress with the map. Iā€™m already able to visualize the map, and now looking into visualising the location of the robot.


You probably know this, and I donā€™t know if it is applicable here, but some apps use the Camara/image capability to display data. The app Power by the Hour uses this to display a graph of utility prices.

Hey @Torbjorn_Melbye ,

Yeah, thatā€™s the one that Iā€™m using in my tests currently.

Kind regards,

I am getting this error, any idea what is wrong?

Hey @Rune_Bronimo ,

Could you submit a diagnostics report?


Yeah ofc:
